I have to respectfully disagree with those who disparage the Ross Procedure.
Mine is doing great.
I think surgeons do the RP in people who are not excellent candidates for the RP and that is why they fail. I know of a lot of adults who have recently had the RP. But, adults in whom the RP failed often have other health issues besides Aortic valve disease.
The best RP surgeon might not be the guy who has done 1000 of them, but the guy who has the best outcomes.
I heard an awful lot about a doc named Elkins in OK. he has done a ton of them, but I definatley got the idea that a lot of those patients were "guinea pigs," too. No way would I go to him. He is just trying to build up his stats on the Ross Registry, which he owns and runs.
Arnold is not a heart surgery role model. He had a lot to do with his RP failing by trying to do too much too soon and blew it out. Plus all those steroids he did in the 1970's had a big part to play, too.
Sometimes mechanical valves fail, too. Let's think about Billy's poor wife Myrtle and her death caused by St. Jude's greed and arrogance. Plus, I am personally acquainted with 5 people who all suffered strokes as a direct result of a mechanical heart valve.
One valve is not better than the other. One valve may be better for you than for me, but don't say the RP, or homografts or mechanicals are bad just based on your opinion or experience. That valve might not have been right for you. What worked for you might not work for someone else!
As Liza Minnelli used to say: "Don't ick my wow."