Quick note to tell you all that though I've been mostly a lurker here the past several months, I've found so much good advice and encouragement on vr.com. Thank you for that.
Something I've wondered about for the past couple weeks or so is what to expect on the morning of surgery. I've think I've got my head around the day of pre-op tests and appointments I'll have on Tuesday, but generally, how is this next Wednesday going to play out? (The part I'm awake for, anyway )
I realize the procedures differ somewhat depending on the hospital and the surgery, but in broad terms, what will it be like? What should I expect to happen to me and how might I feel? Was there one overwhelming emotion that any of you felt as they wheeled you into the OR? (Are you actually still awake when they take you in or do they knock you out before you have a chance to see all the lights, hoses, monitors, etc...and perhaps freak out? )
I'm going in for a mitral valve repair (or maybe I should say Dr. Smedira is very confident it'll be a repair) and will have a minimally-invasive mid-steronotomy.
I'm less worried than I was, say, a month ago, that I'll jump off the cart during the pre-op procedures, tear out the IV and run out of the hospital into the middle of the street, but being able to sort of visualize what that morning (and maybe the ICU when I start to come out of it) will be like can only help.
Mitral valve repair scheduled
Dr. Nicholas Smedira
Cleveland Clinic/ April 5th
Something I've wondered about for the past couple weeks or so is what to expect on the morning of surgery. I've think I've got my head around the day of pre-op tests and appointments I'll have on Tuesday, but generally, how is this next Wednesday going to play out? (The part I'm awake for, anyway )
I realize the procedures differ somewhat depending on the hospital and the surgery, but in broad terms, what will it be like? What should I expect to happen to me and how might I feel? Was there one overwhelming emotion that any of you felt as they wheeled you into the OR? (Are you actually still awake when they take you in or do they knock you out before you have a chance to see all the lights, hoses, monitors, etc...and perhaps freak out? )
I'm going in for a mitral valve repair (or maybe I should say Dr. Smedira is very confident it'll be a repair) and will have a minimally-invasive mid-steronotomy.
I'm less worried than I was, say, a month ago, that I'll jump off the cart during the pre-op procedures, tear out the IV and run out of the hospital into the middle of the street, but being able to sort of visualize what that morning (and maybe the ICU when I start to come out of it) will be like can only help.
Mitral valve repair scheduled
Dr. Nicholas Smedira
Cleveland Clinic/ April 5th