April 5 is the first day of the rest of my life!!

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2005
Hurricane, West Virginia
Cleveland Clinic called and I am scheduled with Dr. Pettersson on April 5. Don't know the time yet. Now for all the preparation! That is 6.5 weeks away. Sure wish I had the stamina to take little walks around the neighborhood in order to be stronger for the surgery. After my day of teaching, I am literally wiped out and wonder some days how I have the energy to drive home. Oh how I hope all this will change!
I am so optimistic. When I was looking for my luggage, I ran across my tennis racquet. Instead of the usual sadness, I felt hope for the first time in a long, long time! Oh, I cannot wait to get my life back!
Good For You!!!

Good For You!!!


I know how you feel. I know things will work out for you and you will be
a new person full of zipppppppppp!!!! You will be in my prayers.

By the by, my wife teaches and that is enough to whip your tail!!!:D

Best Wishes,
So glad you have a date and put you on the calendar. You will be playing tennis again before you know it!:)

I am so happy for you! CC will take wonderful care of you.

I felt the same way before surgery. There were so many things that I couldn't do that I loved. I really enjoy nature photography and unfortunately the critters don't usually come to you. I couldn't do the walking required to go to some of my favorite places, but am now looking forward to getting back into it. I worked right up to the day before we left for Cleveland, but came home exhausted daily and crashed on the weekends. I know exactly how you feel.

Will keep you in my prayers. CC is an awesome place, but a little extra help can't hurt!

First let me say bless you. 7th grade special ed would wear anyone out. I'm a nurse and work for our local county board of dd.

I did not know what was wrong with me but before I found out, I had the feeling of extreme exhaustion. While walking through walmart or anywhere I felt as if I could lay on the cold, hard floor and let people walk over me just so I could rest.

the good news is I am 6 weeks post AVR and I have more energy already than I did before!!! I can't wait until I'm all healed up. Dust off your tennis racquet, you will need it this year!

The doctors told me I would not believe how good I would feel 6 months after surgery and I was extremely skeptical.

I actually think I felt better than even they were telling me. What a difference you will see.

I went from not being able to run 20 feet to running ( actually running) about 20-25 miles a week.

Good luck. You will do great!

Hi Debbie. You sound great. I honestly cannot imagine what it is like to teach everyday so you have my complete respect!! I went back to school full time and got a masters in teaching in '97. Taught for one year and then pooped out!! It was just too much raising 3 middle school aged kids and taking that on. I guess it was the stenosis kicking in at that point, and it's been downhill ever since. I'm still pretty energetic (so they say) but only on level ground! Any incline and I'm huffing and puffing. I'm so anxious to have my energy back.

I too, am looking at April for my surgery, but I don't have the actual date yet. I think it will be a great relief to have a date!! Somewhat intimidating (somewhat?? :eek: ) but the results are clearly in our favor, so why wait?? I think April may prove to be a very busy month here!!

Keep that optimism right out in front of you!! You really sound like your head is in the right place. And I love your heading..... the first day of the rest of your life.......I remember flower-ful posters in the 70's with that sentiment!!

Thanks for letting us know. Keep us up to date!

:) Marguerite

So happy to hear you will soon be playing tennis again. Maybe I will stop by for a game during one of my Ohio to NC trips. :D ;)

April is a great month. I had my last OHS in April and my birthday is in April. I have always found it to be lucky and I wish that for you as well.

I am sure you get a lot of exercise looking after your students so take comfort in that and try not to worry. You will be plenty busy trying to get ready for surgery. Please try to not get too concerned about things as they all seem to fall into place whether we worry or not.

Let us know how we can help.
Thanks again for your encouragement!

Thanks again for your encouragement!

To all who responded to my surgery date...........We special ed teachers aren't used to receiving many thanks for what we do each day, so it was quite nice to hear your kind words. My co-workers have teased me that my 18 years of sp.ed. teaching is the cause of my heart problems! Who knows? I am sure it hasn't helped to be so stressed for so long! Oh well, this year I have the group from heaven (for a change) so I actually asked if I could wait til June. Previous years it would have been, doctor, what's your afternoon schedule look like? :D
Anyway, GeeBee, stop by Hurricane again this summer and we will hit some tennis balls! Wouldn't that be fun??!! I love hearing how so many of you guys have felt so much better so soon after surgery. It has really been uplilfting. When I called my daughter from Cleveland about the surgery, she wondered if I had a procedure and was still under the influence cause I was so happy! I told her unless you have been where I have been, you just can't possibly understand what it is like to receive news that some day soon my heart will beat like hers!
Hope you all are having a nice February President's Day! No kids today...just teacher meetings and parent teacher conferences....I would prefer the kids!
Hi Debbi

Hi Debbi

Yes, all teachers, especially those in your field go way under-appreciated. I do understand how that could feel after so much time of unappreciated work. I will say again, thank you for what you do for those children. You have affected many lives. God Will Bless You !!

I know for a fact that CCF will take great care of you....in fact tell Dr. P. I said hello. He is an amazing surgeon.

Do to my Ross Procedure, CCF has, and will stay my main doctors. I do have a local Internist, yet he make no decisions, everything goes through my cardio at Cleveland. I would reccomend, that if possible to get a local guy (or gal) to be up to date on your situtation. You can choose to stay at CCF for your primary cardio needs, or move them to something closer to home. They won't mind abit.

In my case, I asked my cardio to be my primary, and he agreed. (I think he would have suggested it if I hadn't asked)

Again, you will be fine with them, they will take great care of you and get you up and moving as soon as possible.

God Bless,

Thanks Ben!

Thanks Ben!

What a kind hearted soul you must be! I am sitting in my classroom tonight grading papers and checking the internet for some activities! It is parent-teacher night and I haven't had one parent! Makes me sad for my kids!
I will add you to my list of growing patients of Dr. Pettersson who have nothing but admiration for the man! Wow! I wish I could get up there to Cleveland right now and get my life started. This waiting room stuff is not for the weak of heart. Have you noticed how many sayings have to do with hearts? Geez! :rolleyes:
I don't think I want to go back to my Charleston cardiologist. I like the man, but he is truely ancient. I have heard wonderful things about a hospital in Huntington which has a great reputation in the heart world. I will have to check and see if the CCF guys can recommend someone other than my guy in Chas. Thanks for your input! Take good care of yourself!
Ben Smith said:
Yes, all teachers, especially those in your field go way under-appreciated. I do understand how that could feel after so much time of unappreciated work. I will say again, thank you for what you do for those children. You have affected many lives. God Will Bless You !!

I know for a fact that CCF will take great care of you....in fact tell Dr. P. I said hello. He is an amazing surgeon.

Do to my Ross Procedure, CCF has, and will stay my main doctors. I do have a local Internist, yet he make no decisions, everything goes through my cardio at Cleveland. I would reccomend, that if possible to get a local guy (or gal) to be up to date on your situtation. You can choose to stay at CCF for your primary cardio needs, or move them to something closer to home. They won't mind abit.

In my case, I asked my cardio to be my primary, and he agreed. (I think he would have suggested it if I hadn't asked)

Again, you will be fine with them, they will take great care of you and get you up and moving as soon as possible.

God Bless,

I am sure your cardio at CCF wil be happy to help you through the choice of who to see back home once you have been released from Cleveland.

Who is your cardio at CCF?
Hey Ben

Hey Ben

My cardio at Cleveland is Dr. Stewart and his fellow is a young guy named Dr. Shiskabar (something like that) Both couldn't have been nicer or more compassionate. I don't know if it is nerves or what, but I am feeling weaker by the day. :confused:
Ben Smith said:
I am sure your cardio at CCF wil be happy to help you through the choice of who to see back home once you have been released from Cleveland.

Who is your cardio at CCF?
dj/utvolsfan said:
My cardio at Cleveland is Dr. Stewart and his fellow is a young guy named Dr. Shiskabar (something like that) Both couldn't have been nicer or more compassionate. I don't know if it is nerves or what, but I am feeling weaker by the day. :confused:

Dr. Stewart is a great guy. I saw him while back in the hospital a couple weeks after my AVR and having arrhythmia's. My cardio was on vacation and I had a great experience with Dr. Stewart.

Don't be confused, it is most likely your nerves. Don't let it get to you.
Just find a Hobie and enjoy it. The place you are at is when I took up gardening (well, really plants in general, not gardening)

I'll have to explain to you sometime why I have such admiration for someone in your position at work. I have a very special spot in my heart for the physically and mentally handicapped.

God Bless and take care.

Ben, I have nothing but time..............

Ben, I have nothing but time..............

Whenever you have a moment, you will have to explain your softness toward the types of kids I work with. I would love to hear your story. I am absolutely in love with the kids I am working with this year. They are sponges right now and I really hate leaving them for the time I will be off. I don't always get kids that want to learn so I am teaching like crazy and then going home and crashing by 8. It is worth it.
I know I have found a fantastic doctor in Dr. Stewart. I liked him immediately. I sense a genuineness that is hard to find these days. Can't wait to meet Dr. Pettersson. Nothing but praise for him too from everyone on this site who has had the privilege of calling him their surgeon. Oh how I wish I could speed up the next 6 weeks. I am so tired of being tired.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Sp.Ed Teachers Are Gifts From God!

Sp.Ed Teachers Are Gifts From God!

Waiting on your surgery date seems to be the worst part of all. Your students will miss you so much!! You seem to have a passion for teaching and a love for your students. They are so fortunate to have you as their teacher. I taught Kindergarten for 18 years, then second grade for 7 years. In Kindergarten, of course the children were not identified yet, so I've taught many special needs children. It was always such a blessing to have these children and rather than me teaching them, I found that they were actually teaching me - compassion, trust, perserverance, and so much more. Getting back to your classroom will be your motivation for a quick recovery!! Best of luck and keep us posted!!:)