When I was first diagnosed with a bicuspid valve and aortic stenosis, my cardiologist at the time decided to put me on a Calcium Channel Blocker, which is a blood pressure med, not sure what other benefits it may have. He felt strongly that would prolong the life of my valve. That was many years ago. It made me feel like crap, tired, low energy, it had to be taken the same time every day and with food or it would make me nauseous. I hated it and begged him to take me off of it, he said no every time. So I was on it for years... I don't know if it was doing what he intended or not. But after I moved and switched insurance I had to get a new cardiologist. She asked why I was taking that medication, I explained why but that it made me feel lousy. She took me off of it! I was so thankful!! Did it do me any good while I was on it... I have no idea. But it wasn't like coming off of it suddenly made my valve wear out right away. My surgery wasn't until years later, so did he prolong the life of my valve, or did he just delay my surgery until I was older. Maybe I would have recovered more quickly if surgery happened when I was a few years younger?... impossible to say. So there may be something you can do, but it may come at a price. Personally if I could go back and do it again I would refuse that medications and get back all the time I spent feeling like ****.