Hello Avshalom,
I am in a similar situation as you are. My surgeon thinks I have a partially bicuspid aortic valve that is causing severe regurgitation. Virtually asymptomatic at this point. But surgery has been recommended. I will be going to Mayo Clinic in a few weeks to hopefully get it repaired. Dr. Zehr gave me an 80% probability. He also quoted me a 2% failure rate per year based on Mayo's series of repairs. Backup plan will be a bovine pericardial valve which also would not need anti-coagulation but would probably only last 10-15 years in someone our age.
It is my understanding that very few hospitals have surgeons skilled enough to perform repairs on the aortic valve. Mayo and Cleveland Clinic are the top two. If you would like the phone number or email address of my surgeon, just ask. He would be happy to talk with you.
If you find repair is not an option there are many on this forum who have had the Ross procedure which also allows you to avoid anti-coagulation in most cases and has similar durability.
Good luck. I'm sure you'll be fine once this is all over.