Aortic stenosis, asthma & migraines....

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Beloved Member
Apr 28, 2006
Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Hey all, I'm a newbie. My first post, but I've been lurking for a while, and just learned in the last 2 weeks that my AS has progressed to the point that surgery is required, within the next couple of months. I've gotten a LOT of comfort from this site, because after reading some of the posts I feel I know what to expect! I almost knew what my cardiologist was going to say to me, BEFORE he said it, at my most recent appointment!

Now on to my question/concern...

I know some of you suffer or suffered from migraines prior to your surgery, or even after it, for a time. I was diagnosed with migraine disease in 1994....experienced migraine with aura for ten years then things started to worsen. I noticed I was VERY fatigued....the migraines were coming more often & I had headaches & body aches constantly. Finally all this led to my leaving my job as a teacher and going on long term disability in Feb of 2005. I had to leave a job I loved for what I *thought* was intractable migraine disease - that may very well be the case, and I suppose it doesn't really matter.....but I can't help *wondering*....

I've known I had Aortic valve disease since almost birth, been asymptomatic, or so I *thought*. Seems now that might not be entirely true, doesn't it? Fatigue IS a major symptom, as is shortness of breath but I also have allergies & asthma, so how could I have known whether I was experience shortness due to THAT, or due to the AS?

Furthermore, shouldn't my pulmonologist or cardiologist be able to tell the difference between the two?

Any suggestions or ideas you might have about the relationship between AS and migraine and/or asthma, is welcomed.

Again, THANKS for this site & all you wonderful people.....I know I'll soon be where many of you have been.
Hello and welcome to the forums.

Surprisingly, the migraines may end after surgery. Some have had this and it left, others remained the same. No real way to tell until it's done. Another thing to look at if you haven't already, Wisdom teeth. If they are out, then that isn't it. There just isn't any answer for this situation except wait and see.

The SOB and Asthma-Technically yes, they should be able to determine or distinguish the two, but you know what, They've been way wrong before too!
Again, another wait and see situation. Sorry I don't have any solid answers for you, but they are good questions, just questions that remain mysteries for the most part. :)
Hi :)

As Ross mentioned, for some strange reason, KNOCK ON WOOD, Nathan's migranes have went away after AVR. We don't even like to talk about it much, afraid we are going to bring them back....

He had a murmur all his life, and also suffered childhood migranes. He told me they were so acute in pain (before Ibuprofen was available) that he would have to go into a completely dark room and he also would throw up. He would have the auras, describes them as "kaleidescope" vision prior to pain. The did improve as we got older, and if ibuprofen was taken immediately at the disturbance of vision, he could ward off all pain. Nothing else worked for him at all. Since his surgery in Sept, he had a few auras....few faint. Felt once he thought maybe a migrane was coming on, but didn't and he does feel that maybe he did have one very mild migrane, that he did not medicate last week.

I should also add that there seemed to be a connection with season changes, storm fronts, and possible pollution that would trigger his migranes. He would usually have cluster migranes as well.

No asthma problems.

I am interested to find out if there is a relationship as well. I know there are some members here who did have migranes after their surgery.
My migraines with aura (or auras alone) are known to be caused by a hypercoagulability disorder I have and are kept at bay by daily doses of 81mg aspirin. Just a guess, really, but it would stand to reason that IF one's migraines were due to micro-clots (created perhaps by some hemodynamics issue with one's native valve?) they would be kept at bay post-surgery by coumadin or aspirin.
There are all kinds of tests to determine just what sort of breathing problem you have. I could be a combination.

But you must see if your doctors can sort out what is what. To treat you for asthma when you are really having shortness of breath due to fluid retention and resultant lung congestion is ridiculous.

Insist on getting things diagnosed properly so you can get on the right combination of medications to give you some relief while you are waiting for any surgery.

If you have congestive heart failure, there are many meds that can help. Likewise medications for your asthma.

Be your own strong advocate. No one cares about you like YOU do.

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