Aortic Dissection-What you need to know

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Dear Heart Valve Forum Members,

I am very glad that I found this site. I added a link to it from my site, and it's the largest site of it's kind dealing with Aortic Dissections.

I experienced one first hand at the age of 40 while playing a competitive singles tennis match! Miracles DO HAPPEN!

I have compilied the most extensive website of information related to the Aortic Dissection field. I have 160 personal stories so far and my forum grows daily. I want you folks to know if you know of someone looking for support? Or has questions? I can help! I have teamed up with all the Top Surgeons from all the TOP Schools and hospitals to help others! Right now, I am on a missing to get the Emergency Medical Field (ER Doctors) to get more training from the hospitals where they work. A simple Board Certification from ACEP doesn't cut it and leads to missed diagnosises in the ER room and those are deaths that could be prevented with better training, knowledge and "best practices".

Thanks so much!
Brian Tinsley

a great website..Glad to hear of your new mission regarding ER Docs. Please make sure you let us all know how we can help with this.

Thanks, Mike
I just registered on your site as Brian's mom. See below for a short synopsis of what my 16 yo son went through. He has had a really tough time over the last few years. His ascending aortic dissection went undiagnosed for almost 2 months. It is a true miracle that he lived. Unfortunately, he had a massive heart attack and also lost a kidney in the process (still not unclear on how/why the kidney died). I have had a really hard time getting information on dissections so I look forward to checking out your site.
Hi Brian....I found your site a few years ago now and regularly get your email news. I am so glad you have joint us here as well. Together we can all spread the word and hopefully enhance or even save a few lives.

Good to have you aboard.

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