Anyone want to adopt my Grandson?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Yikes, another trip to ER..Son was called to come pick him up from school. School nurse thought he had a dislocated knee. :eek: Tripped over another boy playing basketball in P.E....but thank goodness. X-rays showed no broken bones. some swelling and for son to keep an eye out for more swelling or more pain. Sent him home with Loritabs...Wrapped in ace bandage and on cruthces..Boys, Boys, please give me a sweet little Granddaughter... This made the 6th time in one year. we have taken him to ER. Last fall, football injury, Basketball injury..all on the same foot..and then his bad appendix operation this Spring. :eek: I had just finished paying all the odds and ends from every doctor who stuck their head in his room. :mad: Just kidding on the adopting. Love him..even when he's banged up :D Bonnie
My grandsons also have spent a good deal of time in the ER. They are both heavy into sports and are getting injuries a lot. Last one was two broken bones in the older one's foot, playing football (little play on words). The original diagnosis was a sprain, no xray. After he was still hobbling around on it a couple of days later, my daughter took him to the ER for an xray. So he has a cast now.

The one before that was a tooth which got injured playing baseball, same grandson, it was dead, so root canal and maybe a crown in the future.

What can you do? They love sports!
What a shame!

What a shame!

Hi Granbonny, sorry to hear about your grandson hurting himself like that, and I hope ge gets better soon. When Bruna was five, she was jumping about and ended up with a broken elbow which took nearly two months to heal up totally. She's seven now but still remembers very well the pain she had to go through as well as all the bother. She's been more careful since then.
Just finished talking to him on phone. Sitting at table doing homework. I said, Sweetie, the doctor said you need to stay home tomorrow. Oh, no, he says, I don't want to get behind in school. Think it was the cruches, to impress girls. :p ..My son worked in ER at Hospital for 12 years..taking his drunk inmates, ect there. they know him..and I'm sure when he carried Kameron in again today..(with his Police uniform on) they gave Kameron the best attention. :) ,,,,,,Kameron is age 12 and not big enough for school I just paid $140.00 for him to go to a large Gymnastic School..$140.00 to sign up and $50.00 a month....The owner told son..he was so advanced for his age..but, now, wondering?..I read all the paperwork. Seems like the school really knows their thing. Hope, no more Er's. :eek: Bonnie
Sorry to hear about your grandson.

I swear it's harder on me when the grandkids get hurt than when my kids did. My 3 yr old granddaughter had to have emergency surgery in June. I was a basket case but she was a little trooper, told me its okay grandma we can both have "ouchy's" now! Thank goodness hers was not OHS.

Will pray that this is the last injury for a while for him.
I'm going to put my little granddaughter in a "toddler" gymnastics class this fall. I can even go along and help if I want to (according to her parents!).

I'm just glad I can afford to help them out, and I bet you feel the same.
Tell Kameron I hope he feels better soon.
Hey, Kameron - how'd the other guy look? Sorry you have a sore place, but you just use those crutches and let all your friends carry your books and help you out. Enjoy it all. Love, Ann

Bon - he's gonna be just fine. I know it scared you a lot, tho. He's a really sweet child and you have done a fine job raising him.
On a similar vein....

Damn near ended up taking my 4 y/o son to the ER the other day after he decided to have a look in the trunk of the car.

We were heading out to take mommy to work. Usual routine is I follow mommy to the car and take her walker to put into the trunk after she's gotten in on the passanger side of the car. I put the walker in then make sure the kid is all buckled into his car seat before I get in and we all drive off.

I had the trunk open and had just put the folded walker in, reaching up to pull the trunk door down. As I closed the trunk I see out of the corner of my left eye my son's head in the way...

BONK! :eek:

He had been kneeling on the back bumper and I didn't even see him until I had nearly closed the trunk! I clocked my kid in the back of the head and in the upper lip where he damn near bit through is upper lip...

Right away the trunk was as open as it could get and I was checking to see how bad his injuries were. Back of the head seemed Ok but his mouth was bleeding. I rushed him over to mommy's side of the car (she heard the trunk "close" then the screaming) and raced inside to get a towel and an ice pack and some paper towels before flying back outside to tend to my son.

He came out with a slightly puffy lip and a small flap of skin that's seperated from the rest of his lip, but it looks like it will all heal just fine.

Ever since, kid goes in his car seat before the trunk is even opened.

He won't go near it either.

And I still feel terrible, even though it really was just an accident... :eek:

On a lighter note, he starts pre-k in a week or so and they had an open house Wednesday. Being a newspaper photographer and all, I ended up getting stuck "working" during the open house and had to take a "wild art" shot of the open house so now my son's going to be in the paper...


He's been in the paper four times now, I think.... Maybe five. :D