Anyone seen King Kong?

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If you have, what did you think? This is one of those that has a lot of points that can be discussed.

Is it better than the first?
Well, it's certainly better than the second. Technicality it is far above anything else. Incredible food for the eyes. It does add an emotional depth to the story the other films lacked. What's better depends on what you saw first.

Why do they make 3 hour films without an intermission?
I guess nobody pees in Hollywood. It keep my attention solid for 3 hours, a 10 minute break would have been good.

Yea, I liked it. It's a good film. The only problem is that the story line is a remake. I knew what was coming next in the plot, but there were a few surprises. A good recipe can be made in number of ways before it gets repetitive. Will
Haven't seen that one, but I'm not a King Kong fan anyway. But it is supposed to be quite a movie...not doing as well as expected at the box office..yet. Since they put $300 mil into it, I hope they recover a lot of it.

I did see Narnia and really liked it, but I had read the book some time ago and was already a fan. It was the book breathed to life.
Saw both King Kong and Narnia. LOVED Narnia but, like Wise, am a huge fan of the books. I am sure I saw the movie differently than my SO who has never read the books. He thought the movie was a bit juvenile and I am sure it was for an adult missing the magical visions existing from the history of having read the books over and over.

I found King Kong way too long. There were many, many scenes that could have been shortened and the movie would have been great. The CG creatures were amazing; Kong was simply exquisite. I would love to take this Kong (and the dinosaurs) and insert him into the original 1933 movie and leave the rest the same. I love the original movie so my expectations were very high.

I think Peter Jackson went crazy with the CG stuff. It's almost like he was thinking, "I paid for the special effects, I'm going to get my money's worth". I think this movie could have been a 2 hour movie and a much bigger success. I spent too many times looking at my watch during some scenes and thinking, "enough already, time to move on." That does not make for a good, overall experience.

King Kong is worth seeing for the effects and some scenes. It is not a watch over and over again movie. The Chronicles of Narnia is of classic calibre but better for children (and adults who have read the book).

Just my 2 cents, of course.
I saw the original; that was enough. I saw War of the Worlds remake. Hated it. No story at all. The original was great - had a good story and good ending that turned out to be a surprise. Too many of the remakes are just bad, but make $ for the producers of it. That's the bottom line anyway, but we are the bottom line.
Yea, I agree with both Gina and Ann about this. It was a bit too long. I liked the character build up and the frozen lake scene, but the dinosaur stampede could have been cut to something shorter. War Of The Worlds was a loss. Nothing there wanted to make me see it again. You want to see a real modern day "WOTWs", rent the DVD of "12 Monkeys". No aliens here, but an invasion none the less. Will
12 Monkeys - great movie. Other "invasion" movies of various types - The Fifth Element, Deep Impact, and the "invasion" movie of the ages - The Day the Earth Stood Still.

I have to say the frozen lake scene in King Kong reminded me of the Coke polar bear commercials. Warm and fuzzy but just a little too cute.

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