Anyone else allergic to dye in Warfarin/Coumadin?

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COLLEEN S Supporter
Supporting Member
May 5, 2008
Maryland, USA
Hi peeps and pricks,
Anyone else allergic to the dye in warfarin/coumadin? I say warfarin/coumadin because, no matter which I take, I get a rash in the lower milligrams. I have to take the 10mg pills (dye free) and split them for 5mg to configure my doses when my INR goes wacky. It is very difficult to get in range by using either 5mg (half a pill) or a 10mg pill, and usually I end up just over or just under the specific correct INR level. LIke most, I say I'm happy if I'm under 5 and over 2, but sometimes over 5 I have abdominal pain and bruising. Then throw the vegetables in there and KAPOW...out of med?...KAPOW out of whack again.

When did you start getting the rash? When you say lower milligrams, do you mean all tablets except for 10mg?

Have you examined all other possibilities -- including laundry detergents, softeners, etc.? My mom has to be odor-free laundry detergents because Daddy has developed a sensitivity to the fragrances. Some powder detergents also affect his skin, no matter how small a load and large the water in the tub.

Have you discussed this with your doctor?
When I say lower mg I mean I cant take anything but 10mg dye free pills. I have to split them to get in range, and it is difficult to be in range using only half a 10mg or a 10mg pill. Yes I have checked out all the sensitivity stuff. I started getting the rash a few days before this post. Any more advice?
I'm using a liquid laundry soap for delicate washables....anything else gives me rashes and itchy spots.
Now I've got an itchy patch on the back of my neck and i'm sure it's from my shampoo, time to switch it for something more gentle.

How long after you initiated anticoagulation therapy (i.e., taking warfarin/Coumadin) did the rash appear?
Where exactly is the rash? What does it look like? Any eruptions, or just redness?
How long after you initiated anticoagulation therapy (i.e., taking warfarin/Coumadin) did the rash appear?
Where exactly is the rash? What does it look like? Any eruptions, or just redness?

This is interesting, pardon me for interrupting, but I've had a rush around my right shoulder blade - no were else. Its ichy and red and its only on that part of my back. I have scratch it until the bumps bleed.

I do have some kind of prescription ointment but it hasn't relieved the bumps, just the itch a little.

How long I've had this is a good question - I know I didn't have it before surgery.
I am on the 10mg dye free warfarin, so I'm ok. I was just asking if anyone else was allergic to the dye in the lower mg pills. It is rare, but lucky me, I have it, so I have to dose using either 5mg (half a pill) or 10mg.