I saw Batman Begins and I thought it was okay...but I still can't get the TV show Batman with Adam West out of my mind. I liked that version better. It was like a comic book brought to life...Not too sophisticated but witty all the same.
As for this version of Batman, I found it too dark. The plot just goes to show where our interests lie.....the war on drugs...terrorism and the search for a super hero to make it all better. (Is Bateman symbolic of President Bush? Is Batman fulfilling Bush's dream to rid the world of terrorists and weapons of mass destruction?) I know, I am looking too deep into the movie....but I much rather watch Adam West prancing around in tights with his side kick Robin. However, Michael Cane did make a convincing Alfred.
Go see the movie....don't think and you will probably like it. The special effects were good and there is lots of action.