Anybody experience ear infection like pain in there ear?

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2009
Vancouver B.C. Canada
I remember having it in the hospital and now it is one of my tri-weekly medical adventures. I get this fricken mild but noticeable ear ache in my left ear. I have had my inner ear looked at by two doctors who saw nothing. I don't think it is serious. It eventually goes away and gets taken over by another medical adventure. "Did anyone else have this?
You can get something called "swimmer's ear" from water getting in there. It is a different sort of ear infection than an inner ear infection. Joe had to use ear plugs when in the shower to avoid that. The pain from that is usually near the area of your jaw nearest the ear lobe on the outside rather than deep inside the ear.

There is also something called a temporary "retracted ear drum", pressure causing pulling on the ear drum due to a vacuum within the space. This can happen with something like allergies causing mucus or post nasal drip. My daughter who had a lot of ear infections when she was little used to get that from time to time. It is usually temporary or intermittent.
I had ear pain and was sure it was infected doc said no it was sinus pressure told me to take suphedrine (you have to get it at the pharmacy it is not on shelves) And it did the trick for me I take a dose every morning. If i miss the pain comes back.

Hope you find something that works !

Nancy. Thank you I think you nailed it. I am going to get some plugs. I think it does happen after a shower or after a sweaty night in bed. Thank you.

I used to have swimmers ear alot when I was young (and on swim team) but a few years ago, I used to get a really annoying "ear ache" that felt different, than when I had swimmers ear. With swimmers ear I usually could feel fluid sloshing around or moving especially when I would switch sides when I was sleeping and the other side of my head was on the pillow. The ear pain i started getting a couple years ago, that would come and go, never had the fluid in it feeling. I had it check by my doctor a couple times and it always looked clear, no infection or fluid ect that they usually could see when I had swimmers ear or an infection.. One day I noticed that when I was stressed and my neck and jaw muscles were tense, or I clenched my jaw for a while my ear pain would start. I asked my doctor if that could be causing the pain and it can cause what feels like ear pain, Normally a couple Aleve help it when it is the jaw pain and trying to relax, (in me the pain is kind of at the bottom of my ear , if you put your finger under your ear at the top of your jaw right where you can feel it when you open and close your mouth). but when I had infection it usually needed an antibiotic to make the pain go away.
IF you don't have an infection, I wonder if the pain could be related to how your neck is back and the way your jaw is when you are on the vent?

pS I usually get it when I wake up and I think it is from clenching my jaw grinding my teeth when I sleep
if you look up TMJ one of the symptons most people get is ear pain, but there is no signs of an infection
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