Any other way?

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Would any of you guys have it any other way? What I mean is would you have wanted to not be a CHD baby or not have a heart defect?? I know I wouldn't of wanted it any other way!!
To be honest about it, sure I would rather have not had a congenital heart defect that finally led to OHS right at my retirement years. There are things I might be achieving now, had I not been knocked for a loop. But in some ways this life-altering event has deepened my appreciation for life and perhaps made me more considerate of others. (I hope that's true.) There are a lot of things I no longer take for granted, like the beauty of the sun setting over the mountains or the uniqueness of a snowflake. And yes I read my Bible now and go to church regularly. I did that only sporadically before I was faced with the reality of my own mortality.
If I could have taken another bus you bet I would have! When the cards were dealt I got the two of hearts instead of the ace:mad: But I will play the cards I have the way I want to play them. The nice people I have met just make it a little easier.
Would I have wanted to not have a messed up heart. Absolutely. If given the choice, would I go back and repeat my life so that I didn't have to go through it. Absolutely not. While it was very hard to be a young Mom with heart problems that significantly impacted my family, I've also been given a perspective on life that makes it that much richer. My heart went bad when I was pregnant with our 2nd child, my daughter. I'd do it all over again just for the honor of being her Mere (As she's called me since she was 10).

My brother is mentally disabled due to a brain injury at birth. Had my Mom had a cesarean, he would be normal today. I would love for my brother to be normal...for him. But having been raised with a disabled brother has gifted my whole family with wonderful experiences in life. I wouldn't be married to the wonderful man I am if my brother had been normal. Our paths never would have crossed.

So much of life is based on how you look at it. This is not to say that people shouldn't go through periods of anger, or sadness or grief over what has happened to them. And it does seem that some people get more than their "fair share" heaped upon them. But I think it's mostly the people who go through the bad stuff that tell others that life is worth the effort.

Great question RossGurlie.
Yes, sure I would. I didn't even know that I was born with a BAV or had heart issues until I was hospitalized with severe heart failure at the beginning of last summer. Up to that point heart problems (for me) was the same as coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, heart attacks and high blood pressure and nothing else. Though, in retrospective, I wish I knew. That had given me a better chance to save my heart from the worst beating from aortic insufficiency. :(

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