Any other surgeon names in NY,NJ or Ct?

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Looking for any other names to add to my appointment list! I have Oz, Griepp,Tolis,Girardi and Somberg.
Anyone have any favorites elsewhere?
Christine who is trying to whiddle away the time till 2 consults tomorrow.
Dr. Aubery Galloway in NYU did the Mitral Valve Repair for us and he did it in minimal invasion. He is outstanding.
NY Surgeon

NY Surgeon

Hi I live in Yonkers,NY & i had a Mitral vlave replaced 12/9/03 at N.Y. Universisty Medical Center (Manhattan) My surgeon AUBREY GALLOWAY. yOU CAN LOOK HIM UP ON THE COMPUTER . i HAD THE LESS INVASSIVE CUT UNDER MY RIGHT BREAST. qUICKER HEALING, STAFF WAS GREAT. hARDLY ANY PAIN. I highly recommend him. His team was great also. He assigns a cardiologist to you for while you are in the hospital & he also was very
good. write me & let me know who you pick & if you want to ask me any questions. Loretta

Chrisandgary said:
Looking for any other names to add to my appointment :) list! I have Oz, Griepp,Tolis,Girardi and Somberg.
Anyone have any favorites elsewhere?
Christine who is trying to whiddle away the time till 2 consults tomorrow.
loretta said:
Hi I live in Yonkers,NY & i had a Mitral vlave replaced 12/9/03 at N.Y. Universisty Medical Center (Manhattan) My surgeon AUBREY GALLOWAY. yOU CAN LOOK HIM UP ON THE COMPUTER . i HAD THE LESS INVASSIVE CUT UNDER MY RIGHT BREAST. qUICKER HEALING, STAFF WAS GREAT. hARDLY ANY PAIN. I highly recommend him. His team was great also. He assigns a cardiologist to you for while you are in the hospital & he also was very
good. write me & let me know who you pick & if you want to ask me any questions. Loretta

I need an aortic specialist - Gary has an aortic aneurysm and this will be his 3rd OHS.
Chris and Gary

Tyce used Dr. James Taylor at St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, LI, NY for his AVR three years ago. Our cardio told Tyce last week after his echo that they really did a GREAT job. They're called the "heart hospital".....guess that's why. His number is 516 672 2173.

Hope it helps.



Glad to see you have Girardi on your list as his is the name I would have suggested. I have never met him (yet) but, based on my research so far, he is at the top of my list for my aortic aneurysm when it finally goes (which will also be my 3rd OHS).

Good luck & let us know how the consults go.
Dr. Stephen Colvin is the head of cardiothorasic surgery at NYU Medical Center. His telephone number is 212-263-6384. My Cardio feels he is the best heart surgeon in NewYork.

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