Any other A-Fibbers get this too?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

I've been on Multaq for over a month now with no adverse side effects (yay!) but was thinking about putting in a call to my EP doc because lately I've been having some weirdness with the A-fib, and I'm wondering if this is a normal symptom or not:

When I get A-Fib sometimes I get lightheaded and/or dizzy. Example: At the grocery store early this morning, I was in the cereal aisle with the Hubster when I felt my heart go flippety-flop a la A-Fib and I got dizzy. I had to steady myself by putting my hand on the shopping cart. It only lasted a few seconds, but whew! My A-Fib (fortunately, says my cardio) lasts only a few short seconds at a time. But what a pain in the you-know-what.

Thanks for any insight you can give!
Debi, I get that sometimes too. When it lasts for such a short time I'm not really sure if is a short run of v-tach or truly a-fib. Mine tends to last for several hours and, because of the fast rate, my blood pressure falls and then I feel weak and dizzy. Hanging on to something for a few seconds is a good idea. If I am with someone else I don't even tell them. If it didn't clear right up I would. Another oddity I have noticed is that I have quite a diuresis (getting rid of excess water) in the first few hours of being back into sinus rhythm. I think it is because the heart is just not as an efficient pump in rhythms other that sinus.
Mine tends to go on for hours or dys (I'm not certain of the length, but I know my BP cuff detects it more often than not). I get those "spells" too. It's unnerving, and sometimes makes you wonder of you're going to fall down. To me it's almost a dizzy thing, like I had turned around in place a few times, tehn tried to walk in a straight line. Doesn't last long at all, 10-15 seconds maybe, but it's enough to unnerve you.

I agree with Betty. AFib doesn't allow the atrium or the ventricle to fill properly, so the efficiency of your favorite pump is greatly compromised. Some times it affects you more than others.

Best wishes,
Well, it looks like I am not the only one having those spells of arrhythmia accompanied by mild dizziness. Very scary for a few moments.
Mine tend to happen in the afternoon when my Metoprolol dose is wearing off, so I lie down a bit and then take 1/4 pill to get me through dinner time.
Also, once things have settled down, my kidneys play catch up and I will need to be near a bathroom.
I am glad to know that I am not the only one with the restroom problems. I try not to go places where there isn't one. I am chronic afib and the lanoxin acts as a diuretic with some people and along with it is some of the problems caused by the arrhythmia.
Debi, I had that happen a few times in the first couple of weeks that I got home from the hospital. It is kind of scary. One morning I was taking a shower and my heart was beating too fast and I felt like I might fall over, so I sat down in the tub and finished my shower that way. Knock on wood <tapping knuckles to my forehead> that hasn't happened since then.

i'm so glad to have this thread to refer to. joey just started multaq about 2-3 weeks ago. he still has some bouts with afib, but they go away after a few hours. i'm wondering if he should be taking coumadin, regardless of whether they go away. it's such a pleasure not having him on amiodarone anymore. hope multaq ends up working for him.
please keep your fingers crossed!!!
thanks for the info here. it's so appreciated, you have no idea!
be well,
Yes, Joey should talk to his cardio about being on coumadin if he's got a-fib problems. Or maybe plavix I dunno.

I understand the most dangerous time for stroke is when patient is flipping in and out of a-fib, as that can cause a clot that formed during fib to push out into the blood vessels and cause stroke.

Once Joey's stable and out of a-fib for a long period, then the doctor may take him off the coumadin.
What does A-Fib feel like? I have some heart rate irregularities which seems to happen when the pulse rate is fairly low (below 70bpm).My heart rate does not increase overall. Does your pulse rate increase with A-Fib or does it feel like it is the same rate except an extra beat is added or missed?. I am still waiting for a 24 hour test to be done so I am still in the dark as to what is going on.
The characteristic rhythm of atrial fib is that there is no rhythm. It is very irregular and tends to get very fast and then slow down and speed right up again. The impulses that set off a heart contraction are coming from multiple locations instead of just one as in sinus rhythm. When it gets really fast it is difficult to count and since the interval between beats is so reduced then the irregularity is not as pronounced. If your heart rate is below 70 then I would doubt the culprit is atrial fib.

For me, when I "flip" into atrial fib it feels like a missed beat then a couple of quick ones and then it speeds right up. Some people don't even feel it. I do and it quickly drains me of energy.
Wondering whether to ask this here or not but does anyone ever feel a buzzing sensation up behind their heart?
betty, joey gets the same. "flips" into afib and then it drains the energy from him.
he did talk to his arrhythmia doc who suggested he start the coumadin as a precaution; he said joey would feel more comfortable and secure.
he also said that if, after 3-4 weeks, the multaq has not worked, then it's not doing it's job. if by next week joey is not in sinus rhythm (no afib at all), then he will be going into the hospital to try another drug, tykosin. if that doesn't work, he's going to look into ablation or back on the amiodarone (which i dread, because once he's back on it, i imagine he'll stay on it).
hope multaq works!!!
be well, sylvia
Sylvia, I hope the Multaq works for Joey. It seems to be working OK for me (minus the weird dizzy spells).
thanks debi,
did it take you awhile for your heart to stay in rhythm? he is in sinus rhythm all day long, but for some reason goes into afib at night and wakes up in it. then it goes away...we can't figure it out. so he's starting coumadin tomorrow (he's dreading it!!!) and we'll wait and see for 2 more weeks. after that he may have to go into the hospital for 2 days_ hates that too!!
i'm just hoping one of these works.
thanks for your kind words. stay well,
Hey, Sylvia, to answer your question:

I'd only had a few brief episodes of A-Fib prior to starting Multaq (a few seconds here and there). My cardio decided to put me on Multaq after everything else failed for me. We didn't know I even had A-Fib until I had the Holter last fall. It just showed up (about 9 seconds' worth). After an event monitor at Christmas time, that revealed that I only had one episode of A-Fib throughout the three weeks I had the monitor. Lately, I've been having (very short) runs of A-Fib (again, just a few teensy seconds). I don't know if I'm still adjusting to the Multaq, or if it's stress, but I've talked with a few other people who say that the Multaq controls their A-Fib pretty well. I know my case is very different from your husband's, but I hope it helps!

Just to add--sometimes my A-Fib feels worse at night when I go to bed, or when Mike and I are relaxing in front of the TV, but lately I don't know if it's pesky PVCs (most of those were ablated) or A-Fib. Geez, my heart is weird! :rolleyes: