Anxiety--How do we cope?

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2004
Columbus, OH
I'm calling tomorrow to schedule my AVR (since they haven't called me yet). In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the constant case of nerves I already seem to have. I've always been one to internalize things, folks will say I seem so calm but as they say, "calm on the surface and paddling like h*** underneath".
It it being a total wuss to ask for a prescription (I don't know what) to help deal with it? My stomach has been hurting all day (and I don't think I have the flu). Or do you think they'll expect me to just suck it up and deal with it? Who should I ask about the RX? My cardiologist? Or my PCP?

Thanks in advance--it's so good to have folks to bounce this stuff on who don't think you're nuts! :D

I don't think you're being a "wuss" to ask for something. As most of us can attest to, the waiting can be the most difficult part of the entire process. My PCP prescribed something for my anxiety, but I imagine your cardio would be willing to as well. Take care and hang in there! :)
One of the last things a cardio wants for his patient is more problems that can aggravate heart rates, SOB, etc. etc.
I am sure he will be most willing to prescribe something for your anxiety.
You are not being a wuss. I would consider you foolish not to ask for help just like you look for guidance on this website.
There will be enough to suck up that can't be controlled. Solve the things that can.
We are thinking of you and sending you hugs.
perkicar said:
I'm calling tomorrow to schedule my AVR (since they haven't called me yet). In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the constant case of nerves I already seem to have

Who should I ask about the RX? My cardiologist? Or my PCP?

Either one could prescribe something for your nerves but it would be good for them BOTH to be aware of what you are taking.

I'm curious, how did your Cardio KNOW that your 'Severe AS was *caused* by the Radiation Therapy for Hodgkins?' I don't doubt that is the case as there are several of us Hodgkin's survivors on, I'd just like to know the basis for the diagnosis and how the radiation causes AS (and why the 'shields' don't prevent it!)

'AL Capshaw'



I am going through exactly the same thing as you. As I have stated before I think the anxiety will killl me before the surgery does!
Actually, two weeks ago, I went into the PCP and he prescribed an antidepressant. I think it has helped alot. It took about 10 days to feel any effects but the panicked feeling is subsiding. He told me to keep on it til after surgery since so many people get depression afterwards this will hopefully help with that too.
I am not a big one to take pills so this was a big step for me. The thoughts still stir in my head but I am not dwelling on it quite as much.
I am going for a second opinion next week in Boston. For some reason, I have little faith in the cardios here. It could be cause they have been wrong so many times so far :)
I still don't know how I will get through this but the future will sort that out.
Well, my advice to you would be to call NOW. The sooner you get started the sooner you will feel better!
Don't hesitate to ask for something to help yourself get through this. I don't think anyone would think you were a are dealing with some pretty BIG stuff!

Like you, I am in PANIC mode. My surgery is only 3 days away now. I was actually already taking Wellbutrin when all of this heart stuff started. I missed taking it for a couple of days and could really tell it! I am still fighting the "panic" feelings but the Wellbutrin does help take the edge off. If I wasn't taking the Wellbutrin, they would have to peel me off of the ceiling!!

Good Luck and Take Care.


Diane said:
Don't hesitate to ask for something to help yourself get through this. I don't think anyone would think you were a are dealing with some pretty BIG stuff!

Like you, I am in PANIC mode. My surgery is only 3 days away now. I was actually already taking Wellbutrin when all of this heart stuff started. I missed taking it for a couple of days and could really tell it! I am still fighting the "panic" feelings but the Wellbutrin does help take the edge off. If I wasn't taking the Wellbutrin, they would have to peel me off of the ceiling!!

Good Luck and Take Care.

thanks Diane. I know what you mean, exactly. I'm not quite to panic mode, but give it time..... If I feel like this now, what will be like when I only have three days to wait! :eek: What are you having done? Where are you located? I"m just glad to have this forum for periodic reality checks. It's good to know you're not alone!
I went to my sister's lake house the weekend before my surgery. (Wanted to get away from phones @ home) Didn't feel like doing anything much because I had no energy.

When I had a hysterectomy in 1985, my co-workers & I had an all-day party the Friday before. I worked in the newsroom from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the party started at 2 p.m. We went from bar to restaurant to bar -- drinking, then eating, then going to Billy Bob's Texas. My co-workers gave me gifts. It was pretty wild. I pooped out about 7 p.m. and went home. Had surgery on Monday.
Not sure if I'd like this kind of "celebration" for VR....
you trying to get an ulcer, too? no need for it. We can't have that. No need to suck it up. Get a tranquilizer to get you through. It's bad for you to be this upset and your dr knows it. He/she will help. Blessins.......


hensylee said:
you trying to get an ulcer, too? no need for it. We can't have that. No need to suck it up. Get a tranquilizer to get you through. It's bad for you to be this upset and your dr knows it. He/she will help. Blessins.......

LOL, I've already had an ulcer, although it was 20 some years ago. Plus my anxiety feels like chest pain, so I have a hard time knowing what is and what isn't REALLY chest pain. :confused: I'll see my cardiologist tomorrow at work (he's the cardiology attending this month) and will try to get him off to the side and ask him for a prescription. If I miss him, i'll leave a message at the office and he can bring me one on Thursday when I'm working, or leave it up in the CCU.
I still have a hard time admitting I need something, but I know that's just something I need to get by. And it's OK!!!!!!


Ask your doctor for XANAX. It works good as long as you don't take them too often, as it seemed to have a reverse effect if I took too much.

Maybe you need some 'Egyptian therapy'.."de-Nile" :D

SOME patients report a sense of 'calm before the storm' which could be a form of denial OR, they contemplate what would happen if they did NOT have the operation. THAT can be VERY Motivating! :eek:

OTHERS are just plain 'tired of being tired' and ready to do whatever it takes to improve their Quality of Life.

I hope you find a way to put your fears behind you and are able to look FORWARD to the better life that lies ahead. :) :) :)



Amen to Xanax, it really helped me deal with the anxiety issues. If you are opposed to medicating yourself, try this book by the name of The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook, Third Edition by Edmund J. Bourne, Ph.D. You can find it at Barnes and Noble Bookstores. It teaches relaxation, coping with panic, etc. I found it also to be very helpful.
Good luck to you.
perkicar said:
In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the constant case of nerves I already seem to have. I've always been one to internalize things, folks will say I seem so calm but as they say, "calm on the surface and paddling like h*** underneath".
My stomach has been hurting all day (and I don't think I have the flu).

I was home sick today with a headache and a stomach ache. The stomach ache returned after a day off on Monday...I had it off'n'on this past weekend and the previous weekend. I'm still having the ocular migraines, etc. I kept my already-scheduled appointment with my PCP today (was a follow-up for the ocular migraines) and he had me bring home some medication for acid in the stomach.

My PCP believes that all of this is caused by work and in other areas right now (finding a place of my own, finding time for all of my interests, etc.). I'm like you...I internalize things.... And, unlike you, I'm not looking at AVR right now. My last open heart surgery was 2 years ago....

Ironically, I'm feeling the symptoms of a buildup of acid caused by stress when I'm actually feeling pretty good about myself and life in general. As my PCP and parents mentioned, tho, earlier tonight, sometimes the "little things" build up and we don't know it... :(.


Not sure if this helped you or not.... Just know you aren't alone....

And, of course, good luck with your AVR....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
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what worked for me


Those were the only things that worked for me! Guaranteed to get you some sleep.

Self-Hypnosis tapes work pretty well.

Try not to worry, the surgery isn't as bad as what you might think.

A vote for happy pills (just in case)

A vote for happy pills (just in case)

I had my PVR in November and was a nervous wreck. I had two mantras that got me though any event "It will all be fine" and "I do not need to know the details." I highly recommend them.

I also got a perscription for some mild relaxer. I never used it but just having it in my purse made me feel like I had a little control. My problem was AFib and a heart rate of 210 bpm if I got over-stressed!

I asked if I could take a pill on the morning that I came in to the hospital (to make sure I got into the car and did not run screaming.) They said no at first because they have to have you unmedicated to sign all the consent forms and hear all the "just in case" statistics. So instead, I came in two days before the check-in date and listened and signed. Then I was happily encouraged to take one of my happy pills that morning so that my Post traumatic stress about IVs and other hypodermic needles did not kick in and slow down my admitting.

Best of luck!

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