Good afternoon everyone!
Although I don't have a date set yet for my AVR, I am looking at the week of March 20th, hopefully on the 20th. My job is very stressful right now and I notice my symptoms seem to get worse during the week while I am at work. By noon, I feel like the slightest physical challenge would make me pass out. By the time I leave for the day, my angina and shortness of breath are markedly worse. This ONLY happens at work, and I can spend the weekend moving around and staying active, and I generally don't feel this horrible. (Although I am exhausted much of the time, which has been the case for some time)
I am not too outwardly anxious at this point, but I recognize that my sleep has been disturbed for the past few days. I can't tell if this is related to my stress at work, or the stress of the surgery or both. I worry that it is making my heart work even harder than it is already struggling to do, and the lack of sleep that results makes my exhaustion even worse.
For those of you who experienced anxiety/stress before the surgery, did you take any medications to help with this? Any special relaxation techniques? I need to just tough it out at my job so I don't use up any of my medical leave which I will need for the recovery, but I can't allow my health to be compromised by the stressful situations.
Right now I just need to know if I should call my doctor and ask for something to help with this, or if I should just work on other ways of dealing with it (I prefer to take as few medications as possible) I really appreciate your thoughts!
Although I don't have a date set yet for my AVR, I am looking at the week of March 20th, hopefully on the 20th. My job is very stressful right now and I notice my symptoms seem to get worse during the week while I am at work. By noon, I feel like the slightest physical challenge would make me pass out. By the time I leave for the day, my angina and shortness of breath are markedly worse. This ONLY happens at work, and I can spend the weekend moving around and staying active, and I generally don't feel this horrible. (Although I am exhausted much of the time, which has been the case for some time)
I am not too outwardly anxious at this point, but I recognize that my sleep has been disturbed for the past few days. I can't tell if this is related to my stress at work, or the stress of the surgery or both. I worry that it is making my heart work even harder than it is already struggling to do, and the lack of sleep that results makes my exhaustion even worse.
For those of you who experienced anxiety/stress before the surgery, did you take any medications to help with this? Any special relaxation techniques? I need to just tough it out at my job so I don't use up any of my medical leave which I will need for the recovery, but I can't allow my health to be compromised by the stressful situations.
Right now I just need to know if I should call my doctor and ask for something to help with this, or if I should just work on other ways of dealing with it (I prefer to take as few medications as possible) I really appreciate your thoughts!