Anticoagulation Clinic Costs

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Jan Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2001
Liverpool England
I will be in the USA for 5 weeks so will need to get my INR checked

I have noted the addresses of clinics in the area where I will be

what can I expect to pay for an INR test ? Is there a standard charge ?

Will I need to take a letter from my GP ?

Will they advise me of a dose change if needed ? I can always phone my own anticoagulaton manager in the UK

I cannot find email addresses for these clinics only phone numbers
so any information would be appreciated


Jan bring prescriptions for the tests from your Doctor. I can only tell you what they cost around here, so your mileage may vary but mine run about $50.00 U.S. per test. Around $25.00 for the actual test and another $25.00 that goes into someones pocket but I don't know who's. I only know it's not mine. ;)

You may want to call the clinic ahead of time and make sure they'll accept a foreign prescription or just what you do need to do.


Looking at the billing cost from my insurance co. says $29.00
for mine.
Bring along multiple orders. We have had some clinics that refused to return the order. Also make certain that the order allows them to give you the result and send the result back to your provider in U.K. If that is not on the order and the fax gets lost, you are up the creek with a test and no paddle.

Happy Clicking!
Maybe it's test is just $19.00. Ross, tell them to quit using platinum and gold!
Les AVR '93 / '95
They throw the other $25 on for a doctor that I never see, as though it's an office visit and probably doesn't even read the results anyhow. Another way to gouge the insurance company if you ask me.
$18.00 - $22.50

$18.00 - $22.50


All I need is a prescription. Sometimes they charge $18.00 and other times they charge 22.50?! I think it depends on the type of needle they use. Does that make any sense? It's the only thing I can think of.

Ross, if I was you.... I'd make them tell me what the other $25.00 was for.
Thank you all so much for the info,

I did not realise that I would need to bring prescriptions as here in the UK you just turn up for your test,

I have made an appointment to get the letters sorted

It does seem to vary from place to place, which i find strange one would think it would be a standard charge,

But what price is peace of mind ?

Just returned a week ago from a fantastic cruise to the eastern Caribbean.

I was exploring the ship and came to the medical facility. In the waiting area they had posted services available and the charges. It was interesting that they did protimes!!! The fee was either $27 or $29, I don't remember, but thought how reasonable!! Next time I am cruising, I will plan to have my INR checked while on the ship! No more worrying about my INR while vacationing on a cruise. The posting said the fees charged were based on Medicare coverage.

I justed wanted to share the info on the availability of a protime test for all of you (like me), who do not have their own testing unit.
It costs me $20. My cardiologist's practice has a full-time anti-coag nurse, who also checks my vitals at every visit. Best thing I like is that I can make appointments, unlike other labs where it's first come first serve and you can spend an hour or more waiting if you show up at the wrong time. And since it's at my own doctor's office there's never any problem with the paperwork.

PT INRs when traveling

PT INRs when traveling

I am traveling around the country on a training tour. I have a prescription from my doctor to get tested. While in Texas and Oklahoma I was told that they would not do the test as they do not accept scripts from an out-of-state doctor. My INR has been unstable so this is a huge pain and they make you feel as if you are a drug addict asking for a fix???????? Very unwilling to help. The Coumadin nurse where I'm treated ( New York Presbyterian) says this is more and more becoming a problem and that I should get my own testing machine. I will be contacting Michele..............
My clinic charges $45.00.

Maybe you get what you pay for!!

It reminds me of when I was a kid and my Dad charged twice as much for a cup of coffee as the restaurant across the street. When people would complain, Dad would say, "if you want a cheap cup of coffee, go over there. If you want the best cup of coffee - quit complaining."

The other clinic in town charges $20.00, but I lose very few people to them.