Another Surgery....

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Well gang,

Ole Harrybaby is headed for the OR in January for another operation on his kidney(s) I have more stones....I am praying that this will be alot easier than my first kidney surgery and I won't have to haul around a horrible looking Foley bag for a month....I guess though that this is relatively minor as compared to alot of other surgeries out there, but I am hoping that you will all join me in praying that this will be the end of the kidney trouble....Harrybaby:( :D :( :D
You know that you're in my thoughts and prayers. I will step up the pace to accomodate this latest dilema you're facing.
Just think, maybe after this procedure you will feel great and be ready for "unclehood"!:)
Harrybaby666 said:
... I am hoping that you will all join me in praying that this will be the end of the kidney trouble....Harrybaby:( :D :( :D

Count me in...I'll join with you. Hoping the best for you.

One of my kidney stone "attacks" hurt worse than OHS. It is almost impossible to believe that something so relatively small can cause so much pain.

I hope this surgery solves at least one of your problems and gives you some relief.

You will be in my prayers.
Relatively minor? Well your not sliced and diced like some others, but man, the muscle group they go through, well, your gonna be a hurtin. Best of luck to you.
Sorry to hear you've got to go thru another surgery. I can relate to Kidney stone pain. Although I only had one, it was the worst pain I've ever been in Bar none. I passed mine in 2 days and didn't need surgery or any invasive procedures. It took me down hard....didn't feel good all day and about 1:00 am I was crying like a baby. I went to the hospital in an ambulance. It took the ER doc all of about 10 minutes or less to tell me he was pretty sure it was a kidney stone. My first experience with Demerol.....Good stuff! Hope your not in too much pain Harry and best of luck with the Surgery!

Oh, I am so sorry to hear this.........

Oh, I am so sorry to hear this.........

Harrybaby666 said:
Well gang,

Ole Harrybaby is headed for the OR in January for another operation on his kidney(s) I have more stones....I am praying that this will be alot easier than my first kidney surgery and I won't have to haul around a horrible looking Foley bag for a month....I guess though that this is relatively minor as compared to alot of other surgeries out there, but I am hoping that you will all join me in praying that this will be the end of the kidney trouble....Harrybaby:( :D :( :D

You know you can count on ours. Please keep us posted and many hugs in the meantime. J.
Wishing the best for you Harry..its still surgery and should never be minimized..ok? Speedy recovery wishes,love the pup
Let us know when the date approaches. Starting some prayers for you Harry!
I think I am getting crushed....LOL

I think I am getting crushed....LOL

hensylee said:
are they putting you in the tank to crush? Or actually using a knife.

Whatever it is, you know you have my prayers.

I think that they are going to crush them, but I can't be sure....the last time I had this done, they went in with a tube in my back and crushed the stones and then vaccuumed them out, and it was easier than the knife, but still very draining, so I hope this one will be better. Thanks for everyone's prayers. Harrybaby
:eek: :D :D :D :D :eek:
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Sending prayers your way. Hope this puts and end to the kidney trouble.
Keep us posted on the date.

Yep Johnny, this sounds about right....

Yep Johnny, this sounds about right....

JohnnyV_46 said:
Sorry to hear you've got to go thru another surgery. I can relate to Kidney stone pain. Although I only had one, it was the worst pain I've ever been in Bar none. I passed mine in 2 days and didn't need surgery or any invasive procedures. It took me down hard....didn't feel good all day and about 1:00 am I was crying like a baby. I went to the hospital in an ambulance. It took the ER doc all of about 10 minutes or less to tell me he was pretty sure it was a kidney stone. My first experience with Demerol.....Good stuff! Hope your not in too much pain Harry and best of luck with the Surgery!


I ended up going to the hospital 4 times in one weekend in an ambulance because it hurt sooo bad that I couldn't even walk or for that matter drive myself to the hospital, Because of the lousy overall medical care in my area, the hospital that I went too told me at first that it was all in my head and sent me home without even an XRay, and I was home all of 4 hours when it hit me again, and once again the ambulance came and back I went, and the 2nd time I was told that there wasn't anything that could be done because "it was the weekend" and after the 3rd time they finally decided to call in a urologist who then referred me up to Dartmouth Hitchcock (2 hours away) and I finally got things underway about a week after the hospital trips...I am not in much pain at all at this point, but I do want to get this done and over with. Thanks for sharing your experience Johnny. Harrybaby
:eek: :D :D :eek:
Oh, Harry....

Oh, Harry....

Harry, that just sounds nasty! I'm sorry that you have to go through another painful procedure, but I hope it will make you feel better in the long run. Please remind us when the time gets closer so we can send you lots of hugs!!

:) Marguerite
Harry, I hate to hear that you have to go through surgery again. Sweetie you will be in all my prayers. You too, have been through way too much. My husband had a huge kidney stone about two years ago. They ended going in and taking it out. He's been fine ever since then. I've heard from women who have had them that the pain is worse than having a baby. And I can speak from experience, that's a bad pain.

You take care of yourself and hugs are coming your way.
Thanks Glenda....

Thanks Glenda....

Glenda said:
Harry, I hate to hear that you have to go through surgery again. Sweetie you will be in all my prayers. You too, have been through way too much. My husband had a huge kidney stone about two years ago. They ended going in and taking it out. He's been fine ever since then. I've heard from women who have had them that the pain is worse than having a baby. And I can speak from experience, that's a bad pain.

You take care of yourself and hugs are coming your way.

You know it sounds like we both went through this about the same time....and yes, the pain is so bad that it brought me to tears, and the recovery did too because of all that I had gone through...I hope and pray that it will be better this time around. Thanks so much for your encouraging and prayers Glenda, and I am really saying some major thank you's to the man upstairs that you didn't have cancer in your kidney...Your as always in my prayers. Harrybaby666
:D :D :D :D
Well I tell's like this....

Well I tell's like this....

Cris N said:
OUCH! Certainly don't envy you having to go though another procedure. I do hope this will take care of your pain & that recovery is quick.


Between having these darned kidney stones, having the diabetes, heart issues, and multiple lung and other physical illnesses, I am praying that this will be the end of the kidney issues, as I NEVER want to go through that pain again...Thanks for the encouraging words...Harrybaby
:D :D :D

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