I bookmarked this site a couple of months ago thinking I might never need it. Guess what happened.
1 x-ray normal, lungs clear
2 Echo showed moderate regurg in AV. Both AV and MV sclerotic. No remodeling, all numbers good or borderline high. My GP said probably nothing but sent me to cardioligist.
3 Nuclear stress test mostly clear except for one tiny possible blockage. Ejection fraction %69 and good to excellent tolerance for exercise with 13.5 MET's. Cardioligist said at that time that the regurgitation sounded mild but sent me to Holmes regional in Melbourne when I told him about two bouts of angina and fluid that feels like it sometimes backs up into my chest throat and sinuses.
Just got home from two miserable days in an open bay ward at the hospital. The heart cath showed clear pipes but a very leaky AV. I'm sure the stress and no sleep from being on that ward didn't help. The surgeon said my LV is 5.6 centimeters and he likes to cut at 5.8
I am a 46 year old police lieutenant and EMT who was up for promotion to captain this week. It may just be my imagination but i can already hear the skittishness in my supervising managers voices. I don't even know what to say when they ask how long I may be out of work.
Anyhow this all started a cople of months ago with severe stiff neck, fever, pre-syncope, diaphoresis, and heart palps. Lasted a couple of days but the heart problems lingered on.
Will try to get admitted to Sarasota Memorial, still waffling on what type of valve to get. Oh yeah. Still have to do the TEE.
God Bless VR.com
1 x-ray normal, lungs clear
2 Echo showed moderate regurg in AV. Both AV and MV sclerotic. No remodeling, all numbers good or borderline high. My GP said probably nothing but sent me to cardioligist.
3 Nuclear stress test mostly clear except for one tiny possible blockage. Ejection fraction %69 and good to excellent tolerance for exercise with 13.5 MET's. Cardioligist said at that time that the regurgitation sounded mild but sent me to Holmes regional in Melbourne when I told him about two bouts of angina and fluid that feels like it sometimes backs up into my chest throat and sinuses.
Just got home from two miserable days in an open bay ward at the hospital. The heart cath showed clear pipes but a very leaky AV. I'm sure the stress and no sleep from being on that ward didn't help. The surgeon said my LV is 5.6 centimeters and he likes to cut at 5.8
I am a 46 year old police lieutenant and EMT who was up for promotion to captain this week. It may just be my imagination but i can already hear the skittishness in my supervising managers voices. I don't even know what to say when they ask how long I may be out of work.
Anyhow this all started a cople of months ago with severe stiff neck, fever, pre-syncope, diaphoresis, and heart palps. Lasted a couple of days but the heart problems lingered on.
Will try to get admitted to Sarasota Memorial, still waffling on what type of valve to get. Oh yeah. Still have to do the TEE.
God Bless VR.com