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Dennis S Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
Pueblo Governors receive various symbols of authority when they assume their office. One of these symbols was created at the instruction of Abraham Lincoln, and (I believe) all of them are still in existence and employed as symbols of the office. They are thought to be of immense value, but will never be available for purchase at any price. What kind of object are we talking about?

Extra credit--why did Abraham Lincoln have these objects created, and what caused him to believe this particular object would be well received?
Pueblo Governors receive various symbols of authority when they assume their office. One of these symbols was created at the instruction of Abraham Lincoln, and (I believe) all of them are still in existence and employed as symbols of the office. They are thought to be of immense value, but will never be available for purchase at any price. What kind of object are we talking about?

Extra credit--why did Abraham Lincoln have these objects created, and what caused him to believe this particular object would be well received?

Dennis it couldn't have to do with a photo in 1800 would it? i'm guessing!
i don't have a clue to the extra credit

zipper2 (DEB)
Hey Deb-thanks for trying. I am packing a few things for a photo trip to monument valley between now and Monday night. I would like to take a few minutes to explain the answer when I get back. (And perhaps capture a nice picture). If we have Internet access I will respond from the motel. In the meantime, the first part of the question is pretty susceptible to a google search. I know this isn't true for everyone, but I find the existence of a link between modern Pueblo Governors and Abraham Lincoln to be fascinating.
Quoted from Google:

The Government of Spain recognized and acknowledged the strength of our forefathers in their spirit and resolve to preserve their traditional customs. Hence, Spain issued a silver-headed cane with the marking of a cross as a symbol of the power of authority and sovereignty of each Pueblo Nation and their right to self-government. This form of government was also recognized by the sovereign nation of Mexico in 1821, and by President Abraham Lincoln on behalf of the United States in 1863. They too issued canes of authority to the 19 Pueblo Nations.

So 400 years later, in the midst of the worst of what any people could be subjected to, we have survived. The 19 Pueblo Nations still carry the sacred canes as a symbol of their sovereignty. As a direct result of the strength and perseverance of our forefathers, and their adherence to our native culture and traditions:

We still have our remaining homelands

We still have our language

We still have our religion

We still have our traditional form of government
This is the rest of the Googled bit:

San Juan Pueblo, along with the other Pueblo Nations, pledges to work with the All Indian Pueblo Council, the political organization of the 19 Pueblo Nations, and the Government of Spain to:

Continue the nation-to-nation relationship recognizing and respecting the sovereignty of Pueblo Nations;

Establish a process of reconciliation aimed at educating the public and healing the people;

Develop a plan to conduct educational and cultural exchange programs; and

Explore areas where joint ventures might occur in economic, commercial and business developments.
(Earl Salazar)
Bina-that handles the Spanish motivation for the canes. But Lincoln's motivation was very specific and urgent.

This is the best explanation I have found:

Lincoln presented the canes to pueblos in recognition of their peaceable attitude toward the Union during the Civil War, Demolli said, citing research by the late Bureau of Indian Affairs Pueblos Agency representative Sophie Aberle.

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