another little one (Ashley)needs our prayers

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Lynlw Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2005
i hate to alwasy seeming to be the bearer of bad news but i know what good prayer warriors are here. another little girl needs our prayers for those that check pages it is carepages AshleyGirl

short version she is 18 months HLHS was doing well at home last week then all heck has broken out since
here is the last update

June 20, 2006 at 06:23 PM EDT
Ashley gave me the scare of my life yesterday. Her heart rate went up, her blood pressure went down. The docs went up on all her meds and nothing happened. They told me they were giving her all the support they could and then asked me if I wanted a priest. My world turned upside down and I did not do so well with that. Needless to say I have been an emotional mess ever since. Ashley did manage to slow down her heart and bring her pressures back up and the docs cannot explain it. It was a miracle!!

So today has been better compared to that. She is still on dialysis. Still NO pee on her own!! They are now pulling off 10 ccs an hour and she seems to be tolerating that. Her blood pressure has been relatively stable as long as they keep her paralyzed. Her heart rate has also been better today. They started liquid nutrition as well. She is still receiving blood regularly to help her out. When left to wake up some from the vecurorium she will still move both her arms and both her legs and her pupils are still equal and reactive. Her vent is still on room air and her O2 sats have remained in the 70s for the most part. They stopped the milirone because they thought that was contributing to her drop in blood pressure, and they are trying a new drug to help her heart squeeze better (forgot the name). They have weaned the norepi untill it was off and the epi is still being weaned. Her clotting is still not where they want it but it is a little better than it was. She is still receiving other misc. drugs but there are way too many to remember right now.

My little Peanut is still in critical condition and has a long way to go before she will be out of the woods. Praying for baby steps forward so that my precious baby has a chance. We still need prayers for pee and her kidneys to begin to function, for no permanent brain damage from the stroke, for her liver to begin to work and better perfusion to all her organs, for her right ventricle to recover from the trauma and regain some of its previous function, and for her stats to remain stable so she can continue to recover. We have many days of recovery ahead of us.

I have posted a picture of my beautiful baby in the gallery. It's hard to see her like this. Just breaks my heart:(

Thanks to everyone for all the info on the hospitals. It will aide us when it comes time to make that critical decision.
Thank you so much for all the prayers and the support. It has really helped me out.

Hope everyone else is well. Please continue to keep my Precious Peanut in your prayers and thoughts.
Definitely, Lyn.......

Definitely, Lyn.......

we will add Ashley to our prayers. This year sure has been rough for some of "our" kids. Hugs. J.
I tried to remember Ashley's name during my prayers last night; I couldn't come up with it, but God knew who I meant.
She's on my list for the duration.
Thanks for letting us help.
Ashley is an Angel

Ashley is an Angel

June 22, 2006 at 08:45 AM EDT
My heart is broken.
My strength is gone.

My beautiful, fiesty Peanut
Ashley Makayla Knight
earned her angel wings early this morning just after midnight surrounded in love by her Mommy & Daddy.

Thank you so much for the prayers and support. I just don't know where my strength will come from.
This is a blow.
I pray that God's grace and love will guide and fortify Ashley's family through this devastating loss.
my thoughts and prayers...

my thoughts and prayers...

go out to all of Ashley's family. I just found this this morning and was going to post a prayer message and then saw that little Ashely had earned her wings, so it is with very tearful eyes I send this out to her family. May God give them the strength to deal with this.
Oh, Lyn..........

Oh, Lyn..........

I read this, too, on Jerra's page. Just breaks my heart and scares me to death at the same time. Ida had this picture. What a cutie. Course the resemblance gives me chill bumps............ My prayers to her parents, of course. And, Jan, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you lost a child, too. Many hugs. Janet
I am so very sorry

I am so very sorry

to hear about Ashley. Just breaks my heart. My thoughts and prayers go out to Ashley's entire family. I can't even imagine the pain they are going through right now. I pray that God will give the family strength and courage to get through this difficult time. Sweet little Ashley is with God now and he will take care of her. Ashley will always be with her family and will also help to get them through this time. I am sending out all of my love and prayers to the family.

God Bless You All!

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