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Premium Level User
May 18, 2004
He is so reassuring, answers all my questions, remembers our past conversations. I?m very impressed and comfortable with his demeanor and knowledge. He is both kind and sharp.

So here?s what went on for this second appointment. We discussed valves, timing, recovery, success statistics. He agreed that the C. Edwards bovine tissue valve (Perimount Magna) was an excellent choice for me and quite frankly admitted that he would probably choose it for himself (despite our matching age of 52). There is that huge must-have second operation down the road, of course. The angiogram/heart cath gave him lots of good information. There is not much visible calcification happening yet, although, of course, he can?t know for sure until he gets in there. I was concerned about that since I?d recently read that the more calcification, the more possibility there is to have damage done as they are working. My aortic root seems to be of good size, so that matching a valve won?t be a problem. Apparently, if one is a small person, there is the chance that they cannot use tissue since they don?t make them smaller than 21. If it?s close, surgeons can adapt the root; during surgery and that only adds on about 15 minutes (I asked). He decided to rummage through my notes and find my measure of 22. Even though the echo he found that number in isn?t perfect science, he felt that that was a number he could work with quite easily. He won?t know until he uses a little metal device once he?s inside, to actually measure and get me the right fit.

My valve is ?very tight?. Last echo was .53. Angio was .8. But. Apparently there are further number manipulations of the angio number, due to my being female, and he said I?m probably .4. Yes. ?very tight?. No heavy lifting or aerobics. Walking (as I do around a track at a less than brisk pace these days) is fine.

He said to set a date within the next 2 months. When I asked him about donating my own blood he said it didn?t matter. However. He said that they will give me back my own blood if it is there to give. Unless I need blood, they will not give me any if I haven?t donated my own. I believe I understood him to say that without your own fresh blood, they know you will likely arise from surgery with anemia. They just let you be anemic. The only problem with that, with being anemic, is that it slows down recovery, but not dramatically enough to warrant using someone else?s blood. Because they want 2 pints, and each pint spaced a week apart, and something about the last pint drawn being 2 weeks prior, I?m going to call today and try to get a 3rd week in April surgery date. Another important consideration was my overall symptom status. Since I am not huffing and puffing with each step and exhibiting dizziness or passing out, donating blood is fine. If my symptoms were more pronounced, he would never let me donate blood.

So, I?m thrilled. The statistics are less than 1% for not making it through surgery alive. We didn?t revisit the stroke numbers. I?m blessedly not going in with any complications. No PH, right side looks great. Nothing but a stenotic aoritic. All arteries ?very? clear (I commented that with a father with triple bypass and CAD, I was very glad not to have it. He asked me how I thought I managed that. I thought it might be all the olive oil, fresh garlic and dark green vegetables we?ve always chosen to consume?..or maybe just our wonderful Northwest salmon! I thought it was cute that he was asking, as if I could help him, almost ;) ).

The valve is almost definitely bicuspid and has stiffened enough to welcome the disease. But the amount of calcium deposit does not appear to be terrible. He?s pretty sure he will be able to tell me why my valve was bicuspid when he sees it. That will be interesting to know and I shall remind him pre-surgery that I want to know.

He uses closing sutures which are inside and dissolve (I mean the surface ones which will show?..of course there are many other ones, deep inside, they vary in nature). His cut is low and only about 6 inches long. (I believe he had some cosmetic surgery training, I read it somewhere). I don?t really care as I just want to be fixed!! But it is good to know, going in.

The office will be opening in a few hours so I?ll be back later today with my date. He smiled and told me to pick a Tuesday. He said all the surgeons in his group agree that it?s their favorite day of their week for this kind of surgery. He seemed confident that I would be able to hold the day; that unexpected emergencies are handled by other surgeons in the group.

Looking good. I?ll be back in a few hours with a date!! :eek: :D

Great! Isn't it wonderful to know that feeling better is just around the corner? I was hoping that you would go first and give me the blow by blow so there will be no surprises for me. Now my selfishness has been revealed. I guess I bat first? I am sure that Deddi (PJmomrunner) I think I got that correct, 4/5/06 will now provide this service for the April group..she sounds so nice and together... do you think she has me snowed? All kidding aside, all of you short-timers have a special place in my heart, no pun... Good luck to all. You are in my thoughts and prayers
I had an adaption made to my 21mm Perimount Magna, so it's not uncommon.
I'm waiting for you to give us your date; I hope you remember sooner is better than later!:p :p Of course, I'm not trying to influence you in any way!:D :D
Phew!'s all go in here today, what with you and aussiegal both fixing dates!

Best wishes to you.

Great News...!

Great News...!




BE SAFE....:)
Congrats to you Marguerite! How nice to be moving on. Question on anemia: does it make sense to take iron supplements? My good friend nurse Mary told me to when I was thinking my surgery was impending.

Philip - Huh?:confused:


I was anemic coming out of surgery. Nobody seemed to think it was a big deal.I was given iron supplements in the hospital and when I came home. It was about 3 weeks after surgery when I was told to stop taking them. I am not anemic anymore.
Sorry PJ, I guess in addition to my valve my memory is shot as well. Next time I will verify before I write.
Hi Marguerite, so glad you got all the info. I was also anemic post op and took iron for a few weeks, my surgeon also told me to eat red meat, that prime rib sure did taste good!!! I have the edwards carpentier valve, so far so good, I think it is an excellent choice!!! Rose

That is wonderful news. I'm so glad you are moving forward. Hope you do as I well as I have. I feel the best that I have in years.


What a wonderful visit! I had a surgeon with a similar personality and I can't tell you what a difference it makes with regard to anxiety (or rather lack thereof)

Excellent visit there Marguerite...

Sounds like he gave you a very thorough account of all the ins and outs...

Its so nice of him to remember you and to be taking such good care of you...

Maybe we should double-date on this and have this done on the same day so we can panic together, although time differences would stuff that up a bit!

Excellent news! I'm anxious to hear when the big day will be. As others have said, the sooner, the better. You go, girl!:D ;)
:mad: ;) well, the scheduler was not in today, so I won't know until tomorrow, Thursday. I will post immediately, especially so Ton can think about it, too :D :D .

I really appreciate all the congratulations and good wishes. Thank you.

I've never been anemic in my life and was not the least bit worried about it when he told me that. I just wanted to pass that info along for other readers. I take daily vitamins with iron now. I don't think I can back peddle his donating scenario (can't give blood within 2 weeks of surgery and have to give 1 pint at a time with a week in between) and still keep my favorite choice of April 18th, too, unless we fudge abit. If we decide not to do the blood, I genuinely appreciate your comments and won't give it another thought.

I'll get back on first thing tomorrow morning, Pacific. Sorry for the drama, geez.......had no idea I wouldn't have an answer!!

On tomorrow......

:) Marguerite

I so happy for you even if you do have to call tomorrow for setting up your surgery. You will Get the date you want!
PJmomrunner said:
I too have this memory issue...must be part of some syndrome!:p

The good thing about AFTER your surgery is that you can blame it on the anesthetic or the pump :D.

It IS a wonderful feeling to really feel comfortable with your surgeon and finally set a date. Glad your visit went so well :)

JOE!! How nice to see your smiling face! Hope you are strong and having a good run with exams and studies there at Duke!! Pop in more often!! :D

Paulk. My surgeon got his BS (1976 with honors:) )and his medical degree from Wisconsin. I wonder if our "guys" know each other. ;) I love your Thoreau quote.

Thanks again, all. I'm so excited about the 18th that I started a whole new thread to announce it. Now we'll just see, when Ton (Aussigal) wakes up, what she's going to decide to do. :D

Goodmorning all...I am coming with you Marguerite!...except that for the time-difference i will be ither 12 hours ahead of you if I go the 18th or 12 behind for the 19th...mmmm...what to do,,,wonder if i should get it done overnight...Surgeon-John has a new baby he would probably appreciate a night away from home :rolleyes: ...
Easter Tuesday or the regular Wednesday...I will give them a call and see which one is available... I am nervous! will let you guys all know this avo what I get up to!

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