Angiogram question

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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
calabasas, ca
I'm going in for a left and right heart cath angiogram. My question is, will I be able to drive and walk around the day after the procedure?

thanks! :)
I had my left/right heart cath on April 30. I was told not to drive for 72 hours, but I also had to have a "plug" put into my artery to close it due to my strong pulse. I was very sore at the insertion point for about a week, but I attribute that to the plug rubbing on the muscle and tissue in there. I was able to move around fairly easily the day after the procedure, although it did hurt to get up from a seated position. I think I could have driven that day also, if it was necessary.

Lee Crowley
BAV/Aortic Insufficiency
Surgery set for 8/08/06
The Hospital I had it done at wouldn't release you unless you had a ride home. Unfortunately, I had trouble with bleeding when they removed the cath so they had to put quite a bit of pressure on. As a result I was quite bruised and also had a fairly large hematoma. I couldn't drive for a few days, but was walking with a limp the next day. However, it was 2 - 3 weeks before I was walking normal again. The nurse told me I was the exception, not the rule though (lucky me!).
If you have the option to NOT drive the day after (obviously you cannot drive the day of), I would choose the option not to. You might still be woozy. I was very tired and just rested most of the next day. It all depends on your experience, I suppose. You might fly right through it and be fine the next day, but, then again, you may really be very tired and feeling a little beat up.

I had both sides done, no trouble with bleeding (my cardio used a clamp which is apparently "old fashioned" and requires you to lie still for a longer period of time) and a quarter sized bruise. I'm still tender in that area, 3 months later -- it just feels weird.

Please try to take an iPod or other music device. And maybe crosswords, or something you can do lying down or semi-reclined. (I brought knitting.) You will be spending many hours lying down in a little curtained area with others being wheeled in and out in various states of consciousness and groaning and stuff. Drowning out the outside world is very nice. Bring music! :D

Good luck and let us know about your results!! Hope you're all clean!

leecrowley said:
I was told not to drive for 72 hours, but I also had to have a "plug" put into my artery to close it due to my strong pulse.
Lee Crowley
BAV/Aortic Insufficiency
Surgery set for 8/08/06

I was told that the plug was the preferred way to stop the bleeding. I was able to get one, and only needed pressure on the area for about 90 minutes. I've heard other people had to have the "bag of sand" pressure for 4-6 hours.
Since I had a cath just today, thought I'd chime in. It was not a pleasant procedure, but I honestly felt very little discomfort. They made me get up & walk quite a bit before I was released, and a nurse (poor girl) was assigned after they took the sheath out to just sit there & put pressure on it for about 30 mins. After that I just rested for 2-3 hours, then walked....they did put a sandbag on it for the time I was reclining. I can't drive until Saturday (wouldn't anyway) and can't lift much for a couple days.....
If you have an easy time with your cath you will have no trouble walking and driving the next will have more trouble remembering to take it easy for 48 hours...thats what happened to cath was a breeze and I had to keep reminding myself to take it easy for the next few days.

Good Luck with your Cath...hope you have nice clean arteries :)