Angina Questions

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Hello Everyone,

I have been having some minor pain. It seams to be located more on the left side of my chest rather than on the top left. It is not sharp, just kind of dull but a coule of times I also felt a slight discomfort in the left side of my neck and once in my arm. It does not seem to be tied to stress or exersise. No shortness of breath.

My next echo and cardio visit is in May. Should I move this up or is this normal for someone waiting on AVR.:confused: I might also add that I do not have any blockage according to the last scan.

Hi Cooker. Perhaps the best bet would be to speak with your cardiologist's nurse about the sensations you are experiencing. Bob H (Tobagotwo) wrote some great threads on angina. Try a search for angina, here, and see what you come up with.

My father had a triple bypass years ago. He carried around nitro glycerin tablets for just such pains. He was told, if you feel the pain, take a nitro and go lie down. If the pain goes away then it's probably angina. If the pain doesn't go away, then it's probably gas!!

I am still waiting for my BAV. Before I got my beta blockers to the right dosage, I felt many achey and some stabbing pains. Oftentimes I will just take one aspirin and try to relax. It usually went away for me. I don't know if it was angina, the doctor was never worried about it. I just liked that it went away!! I never got much conclusive information from my doctors about my symptoms, nor much concern, but they were aware of them and that made me feel better.

Everyone is different, even though we are all so much the same. Best to report to your doctor if you have any concern. Nurses are usually very responsive and dependable.

Let us know!


Thanks for your reply. I am waiting on a call back now. I noticed that you have a date with the surgeon today! Let us know how it went.

I was going to suggest that you call your cardiologist, but I see where you're waiting for a call back. It never hurts to make the call. In heart matters, I think safe is always better than sorry.
After my surgery for an aneurysm.....with no symptoms....I started thinking back to the year before..(surgery)..I then remembered several times..where I had a sharp stabbin pain in my chest.:eek: Twice, when I reached out to windex mirrors and windows...and once driving to meet family for Xmas Eve lunch....all times, I would take a deep breath and relax and they went away. Very scary..I have had none since surgery..almost 4 years now. Bonnie
Glad you are following up with the doc. Nitroglycerin is just as effective for esophagel spasm as heart problems so it wouldn't tell you what's wrong. Never hurts to double check even though your cath was clean.
Let us know.