AngelaR's husband Ray's AVR on Thursday

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Angela and Ray, I know you must be busy this weekend getting ready for your family to arrive on Wed. and Ray's AVR on Thursday- not to mention a house with two little girls. Our prayers and best wishes will be with you both on Thursday when Ray gets his new On-X valve. Hope you have a chance to update us Angela. Godspeed!
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through surgery.
~~Hugs~~ Dawn-Marie
Thank you

Thank you

Thank you all for your kind words and well wishes and remembering us =)

Ray has calmed down considerably and started sleeping again. He said he has a goal =) So he is doing better emotionally. His brother should arrive today. I'm actually not really looking forward to this. His brother is not a very good influence.....but again this isn't about me, so I will just bite my tongue. It will probably be bitten completely off or at least very purple :rolleyes:

I will try and update you all from my blackberry. I'll apologize in advance, I seem to loose all of my education and cannot spell worth a darn on that thing.

Thank you again.