Android pill reminder app?

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jyg Supporter
Supporting Member
Oct 14, 2013
San Francisco, CA
I've seen and tried more than a few pill reminder apps from Google's Play Store. I've also looked into more generic reminder apps too. I cannot seem to find one that has a combination of these features:

1. Will sound an alarm during a reminder no matter my current sound settings.
2. Will light up during a reminder.
3. Doesn't require loads of medical information just to get a reminder going.
4. Doesn't require me to join/sign-in to some service
5. Doesn't suck.

I won't be emotionally distraught if someone response with a great iPhone-only app, because I realize many of you probably use iPhones and this is a very important, helpful type of software.
I just set an alarm on my phone, not quite what you are looking for but close:
1. I can set the alarm volume separately from other volume settings: so, ringer down low or off, media medium, and alarms loud.
2. The screen wakes up when the alarm goes off, count as lighting up?
3. No medical information at all.
4. No extra services or stuff to join.
5. It's really too simple and elegant to suck at all.
I'm with clay. I just set alarms for each of my pill times ... also I hate apps that are forever bugging me about updates. Then there is all the privacy stuff. Have you seen the new invasive google ads which promote a product using your name if you've +1'd it on google+

alarms also turn the phone on it you've turned it off. Thats a double edged sword though as sometimes one is at a movie ;-)
...with a great iPhone-only app, because I realize many of you probably use iPhones and this is a very important, helpful type of software.

... not sure if this implies because its important you shouldn't trust it to an iPhone ;-)

Seriously this whole smartphone rubbish is driving me bonkers. I have personal data and records on my system that goes back to 1991 (perhaps longer). None of these pieces of phone candy will be anything like that 'long term'.

So if you value it, if its your data, dont rely on some app maker (of either flavor) to care about it. The current paradigm in software development is "focus on the herd (which is more like a shoal of fish anyway) and bugger what individuals squeal about"

remember Google Notebook?
Thanks, I didn't even think of basic alarm apps. I found something called "xtreme alarm" or something that I'm toying with. Its a lot like the built-in one (with Cyanogenmod 10) but some extra settings. I did notice this morning that thought it will sound off when the volume is off, it will not sound off with the speaker when the headphones are plugged in... hrm... that's an important feature.
Warfarin isn't one of those fast acting medications that you HAVE to take at exactly the same time every day. It's slow acting - the half-life is DAYS. For myself, I take my warfarin at bedtime -- whether it's 8 PM (right), 11 PM, or 3 AM. My INR isn't going to fluctuate as a result of the timing in any perceptible way.

Some people may prefer to take it when they wake in the morning. Others like me at bedtime. With warfarin, it doesn't really make much difference as long as you don't completely miss your dose or vary your dosing times by many hours. (For me, because I usually go to sleep once at night, getting into the habit of taking it before this event almost assures me that I won't miss a dose.)

I doubt that you really need any kind of alarm reminding you to take your warfarin.
I did notice this morning that thought it will sound off when the volume is off, it will not sound off with the speaker when the headphones are plugged in... hrm... that's an important feature.

to my knowledge nothing will sound off with the headphone plugged in on any phone (iOS, Android, Symbian, S40...). Its a physical thing (well a physical switch which instigates a software thing).