This would be a good time to say thanks to many of you who have offered your encouragement for my developing interest in photography. In response to so many kind words I got up the nerve to offer some for sale, and have been surprised at the response.
I don't expect to ever make any serious money, but it has been enough "feed my addiction." I have used the proceeds to purchase a tripod, but especially to be in the market for a professional quality lens. I had no idea how expensive a lens could be, so I am in the process of shopping very carefully. But I already have the tripod, and have been learning how to use it. To me, this is the best shot so far. This is a rock face I can photograph from our deck (as I am still in rehab, all my photos have to be from the deck). I have taken several pictures of this rock face, but the ability to shoot in much less light give me something different than I have taken in the past.
I don't expect to ever make any serious money, but it has been enough "feed my addiction." I have used the proceeds to purchase a tripod, but especially to be in the market for a professional quality lens. I had no idea how expensive a lens could be, so I am in the process of shopping very carefully. But I already have the tripod, and have been learning how to use it. To me, this is the best shot so far. This is a rock face I can photograph from our deck (as I am still in rehab, all my photos have to be from the deck). I have taken several pictures of this rock face, but the ability to shoot in much less light give me something different than I have taken in the past.