An entire family missing,running from Ivan

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Missing Family
Jennifer Mayerle
News 5
Sep 27, 2004 printer friendly format
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At first glance, the Bomback home in Molino, Florida looks relatively untouched. At closer look, notes of concern are posted on the door. Inside is an answering machine full of worry. "Sherri, Kevin, this is mom, Nana, call me!, said one message, another said, "Everybody?s been worried to death about you. Could you please call me, they?ve even got a search team out and everything."

Kevin, Sherri, 17 year old Alishia and 12 year old Brent have not been heard from since Tuesday, September 14th, the day before Ivan made landfall. Camden Loncar is Alishia?s best friend. "She was like, okay, we?re flying so we can get away from the hurricane."

Investigators have learned Kevin Bomback did not have insurance for his Cessna plane, he wanted to get it out of harms way. James Nixon works at the Atmore, Alabama Flying Center where Bomback kept his plane. "He called me again cause the weather, he was going to try to take off." That night, Nixon fueled the Cessna Skymaster twin engine plane. He only saw Kevin but says it was dark outside. "I asked him, I said did you file a flight plan? He said no, I said where you going? The wind was blowing real hard. He said I?m just getting out of here and I never seen him again."

It?s been two weeks since the Bomback?s disappeared from their friends and families radar. Their car still sits outside the Atmore Flying Center. It?s unlike this social family to not call. "You know, maybe the plane crashed because he?s a new pilot, he just got his license. It?s just a really scary thinking they?re out there somewhere and may not have food and the fact that they may not be alive at all," said Loncar.

For now, they are holding onto hope and helping out. Neighbors have put tarps on the Bomback home and they are feeding their animals. Keeping life going at a time when their friends? lives may be lost.

The Escambia County Sheriff?s Department in Florida is in charge of the search. The Air Force Rescue Coordination Team is also involved. But because a flight plan was not filed, it?s hard for them to know where to search.

If you have any information on where the Bomback?s may be or if you see their blue and white plane, call the Sheriff?s Department at 850-436-9199.


Missing plane from Florida Panhandle found in Mississippi
Last Update: 10/4/2004 6:41:00 PM
Posted By: Ron Reams

(Molino, FL) Oct. 4 -- Monday afternoon a plane belonging to the Bomback family from Molino, Florida was discovered in central Mississippi. The family took off from the Atmore airport just before Hurricane Ivan. The last known radio contact came from Magee, Mississippi, where the plane was discovered in a wooded area. Investigators have been searching that area for several days.

Their neighbors in Molino all seemed to have fond memories of the family. They knew the father, Kevin, traveled all the time? working in New Orleans as a mechanic for Fed-Ex. They say his wife, Sherri, took care of everything while he was gone... the kids, the property, and their animals.

Their children, 17-year-old Alicia and 12-year old Brent, were always making themselves known around Molino. Alicia liked to ride horses, and rode them to neighbors' houses. Brent liked boy things: 4-wheelers, go-carts, and he rode those around town too.

Even though some neighbors did not know the family had a plane, their closest friends did and say that's what kept them together. Camden Loncar says she and the daughter. Alicia, were best friends: ?They flew. That was their family thing. Their family was separated all the time because he worked, and Ms. Sherri, she was always off doing something. Alicia, being a teenager, she was everywhere. The plane, that was their one thing they did together"

Positive identification of the 4 people on board the plane has not yet been completed, but as we mentioned, the tail number confirmed the plane was registered to Kevin Bomback.
I just wanted to say that I hope everybody really learns what inexperienced flying can do to the ones you love. I was one of Alicia's really close friends...we did alot together. I took her to school in the mornings, we went to the movies, we even shared the same locker. She was a great friend. During the month before the crash my dad died of cancer and Alicia helped me through it. We also lost one of our really good friends ina car accident. I have know Alicia for 9 years. She was like a sister and I loved her with all of my heart. It has been really hard to lose so many close people in a short period of one month. Her death was so unexpected to me. At first I didnt believe that something like that could happen, but when I finally realized that it had I was in shock. I loved her very much, and still do. However, I am really glad that I know where she is. She had been away from the lord for a while, but this past summer she was saved again. I was so glad to know that and I am glad she is with the lord now. I will miss her and her family very much, but because they were a strong Christian family I am glad to know where they are. I hope everyone will never forget them and always remember how dangers planes can be if you do not have enough experience. I will always love and miss them very dearly.