Am I doing the right thing?

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2008
Hi all,
I am doing well been hoem from hospital (MI AVR) one week today. I am, as someone one said on an earlier post eating sleeping and walking. When it comes to the walking I am wearing a pedometer all day...walking around house up and down driveway to get duaghter on off bus, most days I have walked 1.6-1.8 miles, yesterday 2.4. Ijust leave pedometer on all day and track each day what thedays total is. Shouls I be trign more to walk a certain distance at a time (1/2 walk at time) or is just movignmreo and more each day ok.????
What abut cardiac rehab Has anyone found any cardia rehab that is geared to the younger patient. I am 38 , and I am not looking forward to traveling to a class that is not geared toward me...any ideas?
Thanks for help
I was the youngest in my cardiac rehab, and I heartily recommend it.
I was the only valve patient in my cardiac rehab, and I heartily recommend it.
Lots of people ask how much they should walk, and the cardiac rehab nurses have the answer.
Most want to do everything they can to recover after the surgery, and the cardiac rehab nurses can tell you how much is too much and how much is just right.
I only had to travel 15 minutes to cardiac rehab, and it was well worth it.
If you are hesitant about it, I encourage you to call the cardiac rehab and talk to the nurses, or better yet, go in person to see them.
People have different reactions to Cardiac rehab. However, most responses are favorable. My personal take - strictly mine - is that (particularly if you're younger) if they require a stress test to get in, they are more worried about whether their behinds are covered than whether that's an appropriate test for you to be doing at this point. Certainly, you should ask your cardiologist if cardiac rehab is a good idea for you at this time before starting.

Best wishes,
Happy one week anniversary! I didn't do cardiac rehab so can't answer your question. As I understand it, they'll adjust the program to accommodate you. Best wishes and good luck.
I am 49, and had AVR 6 weeks ago, my best advice is to NOT DO TOO MUCH like I did, wait for many, many weeks, you will have this valve for the rest of your life, and if you end up like me in 2 weeks you are going to feel like SUPERMAN!!

On week 3, I went back to work (I own my own business and am a workaholic) I was lifting things, and driving, and generally feeling like I was 19 again.

I was feeling SO GOOD! But I was doing wayyyy too much, and ended up opening my incision, it started oozing blood and getting scabs. That really scared me, I thought it was infected, but the doctor said it was OK, just to rest more and lift nothing bigger than a gallon of milk.....I have been listening to that advice, and my inner common sense, and FORCE myself to only work a half day, and rest in the afternoons, I even take naps...

I did buy a treadmill the doc said walking was OK, but I live in Orlando and it is too hot to walk outside for very long.

I got a really great one on Craigslist for less than half what they go for at Sears. Walking everyday, and resting as well, have made me feel even better every day, and my incision is healing nicely now......again.

At 6 weeks it is hard to believe that I will continue to feel even better than I do now! I hope you do too and that this helps, it sounds like you are off to a great start, just do not do too much, too fast, like I did! Just pace yourself, at a slower pace than you might once you start feeling better.

Keep smiling,
