Alright! Who voted "Get drunk and forget about it?"

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Okay who are you? Belly up to the bar and the first round is on me. Just kidding of course(Damn Coumadin:mad: )

No seriously tho I appreciate everybodies opinion, please keep them coming for some have already givin me some ideas. I am going to take all the ideas and put them together to form a plan of action for myself.

Thanks So Much,

P.S. Here's a couple of BEFORE and AFTER shots








My husband will be very jealous when I show him the photos. Great looking boys! How old are they? Looks like they might like to fish as much as Dad.:)
I didn't vote, so it wasn't me. I do know who it was though. I'll let them fess up to it.

Randy if you and I were to go fishing, you'd be catching those nice fish and I'd still be catching those pain in the *** Bluegills. Never fails.
Great Pics!

Great Pics!

Randy, Wow! You guys did well! I'm wishing your luck will change with surgeries too! No it wasn't me. I was too shocked to vote. Brian
Hey....Only two voted get drunk..... I figured you guys would know I was one of them:cool: :p :cool: I would have brought up alternative coping mechanisms but that would inflame the masses:p


Yoda....I mean Cooker;)
Well! You sure are lucky at fishing and making good lookin' kids!! You're doing something right!

Keep us posted on your plans. Good luck, Randy. Thoughts are with you.

:) Marguerite (it wasn't me..... I didn't vote.... )
I didn't vote, sorry, I just posted what I would do, have a couple of drinks and get a second opinion.

If it were me, I would get drunk, hell I still get drunk :) Shhhh, don't anybody I said that. :D :D

Nice looking boy's ya got there.
Ross said:
Lord help me. I'm surrounded by crazed heart patients who like their spirits. :D

And this is coming from one of our administrators, A 9 month old baby with a porn problem?? Hee-hee...

P.S. Great Pics Randy!!
wasnt me either...although I did suggest it to give yourself a well earned treat before making the hard decision...

I really like the plan you have come up with in your new thread...I wish you every success.

We are all very jealous of that fishing trip ...WOW!...what a great catch and handsome boys...
Well it wasn't me either, but the longer I think about it, maybe I should have!
I'd be doing, whatever I felt like doing, while I waited.:cool:
Nope, not me. Cute kids you got there. And by the way, I'd get drunk with ya, but with this darned atenolol and Liptor I'm on, I'd be smashed after the first margarita, I mean, beer.... uh, yeah....

Debi (debster913) AKA Crazed Heart Patient and damn proud of it!!!:D :D :D
Geez Randy

Geez Randy

That is one killer fishing trip. I would go fishing and forget about it if that is your normal catch.
Wasn't me but it doesn't sound like a bad idea.....Maybe have them put in some Velcro while they're in there.....I know they'll get everything right this time bud....

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