Almost 4 years old (new member)

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just found the site and am extremely grateful to have found such a forum. I am 32 and coming up on my 4th anniversary of the Ross Procedure (June 30, 99). Passed out on a basketball court and had to be resuscitated by someone who just happened to be CPR trained (no one on my team was). Had the Ross Procedure at Duke Medical Center performed by Dr. Ross Ungerleider ( now at Univ. of Oregon) two weeks later. Spent four days in the hospital and another three weeks at home before returning to work. I did some 5k's and mini-triathlons in the subsequent year to prove to myself that I was alive but have given that up for my beloved basketball. Can't say that I don't freak out a little every time I play, though, when I get out of breath. Don't think that will ever go away.
Congratulations to all survivors on the site. I look forward to the interaction.
Welcome to this site.

Welcome to this site.

You will find a wealth of information here from folks who, like you have gone through an awful lot. Some of us haven't had our surgery yet so we remain in the waiting room. People here have been so helpful to me. Please join in and make yourself at home.

hi dnksideways!
welcome to this wonderful site! everyone here is so helpful, warm, and informative. i could never have made it without their support.
my husband, too, had a ross procedure about 1 1/2 years ago. he is also a runner and is enjoying working with a personal trainer and lifting weights. i'm glad to hear you are also doing well.
please keep coming back and visiting. it's always nice to see an avr (rp) patient doing well years later.
stay well, sylvia


Hey Dnk - Glad you found the site. There are some very caring people here and a lot of useful information. Sometimes even some humor to lighten things up. Chris
I happened to read one of your posts on my first visit to the site this week and you and your husband's story is one of the main reasons I decided to register. It sounded very similar to my situation. I hope your husband continues to do well. How far does he run?
hi dnksideways!
when i met joey, he was a former hippy and i was a jock. i got him into running when we got married, because it had always been a part of my lifestyle. he eventually picked up on it and started working out too.

joey and i each used to run between 4 and 8 miles a day. he, ofcourse, did more in less time (longer legs!!)
toward the end of his pre-surgical days, he was barely able to run at all and was biking more (he considers biking maintenance), but not much at all. he eventually had to stop all of this because he was so short of breath.
a year after joey's surgery i saw a nutritionist (i was tired all the time and obviously not eating well), she suggested i kick up my workouts and do faster runs, not longer ones. i did and really liked how i felt.

later that year we took our annual fishing trip, (after joey's surgery _he had already started running about 2-3 miles a day), and we decided to go for a run together. he could barely keep up with me (speed) and decided after he got home that he wanted to kick up his workouts too. he called a trainer, who now has him doing all kinds of weight work, leg work, etc and has him running fast and on high inclines. he can now outrun me anyday. he runs between 4 and 5 miles and bikes on other days.... after all, he is 50!!! (lol!). he is sooo proud of all these newfound muscles, he is constantly approaching me to feel them as he flexes!!
so cute!
i, ofcourse, am thrilled that he is doing all this and feeling well doing it. he is so happy.
we're not marathoners, but we are certainly committed to our workouts/ runs.
how much do you run? do you still play basketball regularly? how often? what else?
please tell us more about you, your family, etc.

incidentally, our oldest daughter just finished her first year at tulane and is transferring to somewhere close to home.
how long have you lived in n.o.? love that city!!
hope you are doing well. glad to have you among us.
take care, sylvia
Welcome to this great site! I had my mitral valve replaced at Duke on Jan 6, 2003. I was in for a week. I had some complications after surgery that kept me in a little longer than usual. You came a long way to go to Duke and have the surgery.
Luckily I only live about 2 1/2 hours from Duke. My dr was Dr Glower. He was great! I saw him every day I was there. His kids even came with him on rounds on Sundays after church. He would pull them in a wagon. It was so cute. Good luck to you!


It is great that you are keeping active. I try to walk everyday, from ten to 60 mintues, during the weekend. I try further on the weekends. You are in a great place and ask away any question you may have. Take care and shoot some hoops for us.

Arotic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
It's nice to read that you are back playing basketball. I'm 3 months post-op and just started playing again. I was walking and riding my life cycle, but started to get bored. I'm only playing 1/2 court at this time, but should be aable to go full court within the next month. I'm also back to playing golf with a full swing and only have some pain in the chest area if I overdue it, which is usually if I play 3 days straight. Take care and god bless your continued recovery.
Hi dnk-

Welcome to this terrific site. You can already see why we all love it here. My husband also had his first valve replacement, 25 years ago, after passing out playing basketball.

I hope to see you here often. You'll be able to help with lots of answers, I'm sure.

Congrats on your 4th anniversary.
I can see how there are so many loyal members. It's nice to get such a warm response as a rookie. As for more background on my family I have been married for seven years now and have two little boys (3.5 and 2 years old). My wife was three months pregnant with our first when I passed out on the basketball court. nothing like adding some stress to your first pregnancy. At least she wasn't there to see it happen. Everything turned out fine with the pregnancy and God gave me an added gift in that my son, Noah, was born on my birthday.

And FYI for Alicia, both of our birthdays are on January, 6th, the same date as your surgery.

I play bball at least once a week and try to run a few miles at least another two times a week. I respect you and your husband's commitment Sylvia. I am one of those people that actually hates to do it. Hard to find the time to do anything else, though.

I am a little late in my annual cardiologist checkup. It still makes me nervous to go and get re-tested for fear of complications, a fear I'm sure all of you understand.

Thanks again all for your warm welcome and I look forward to keeping up the dialog.


I'm the Mother-Hen of this group:p :p You are younger than my kids..Make that Card. Appt. soon...You have a wonderful wife and 2 boys who will need you for the next 100 years. Put the basketball and running on the back-burner...Takes a long time to get an appointment with Card's office. Then, when you find out everything is fine..go back to doing what you love to do.:D :D :D By the way.. have a first name?:D :D Bonnie
My real name is Daniel.
I'll make the appointment this week. Just nervous.
It just doesn't go away

It just doesn't go away

Hi, Daniel! Glad to have you here. Just wanted to say that the nervousness doesn't go away with time. I had cancer 13 years ago and still get the willies just before an annual mammogram.

BTW - everyone - had it last month and results came back & are good. 13 years and counting. Hurray.

So, Daniel, congrats on doing so well. We're glad for your experience and another pov.
