Hi Harley,
I just read your post and will be thinking about you and wishing you the best. I'm having mitral and aortic replacement on 4/25. I'm going with mechanical because of my age (54).
I can't yet answer your questions about how a person feels after surgery, but I do have a few thoughts on being "asymptomatic". I have thought for a long time that I was in this asymptomatic state, attributing my tiredness, fatigue and occasional shortness of breath to age and lack of conditioning, but I'm really beginning to think that I definitely have some symptoms that have developed so slowly and gradually that I have come to accept them as my so-called normal life. I have had a few instances when I was really out of breath and it took several minutes to regain it, usually when I've climbed a lot of stairs or hiked uphill.
I guess I won't know for sure if how I feel now is what I can expect or if my stamina will increase. Probably won't know for at least 6 months to a year. Maybe we can compare notes a few months down the road!
I don't know about you, but I've been rushing around trying to get all kinds of things done before surgery, such as yard work, painting, house-cleaning, etc. just because I must have a little compulsive component to my personality. I definitely have noticed the fatigue! I think it's time to slow down and enjoy life for the next two weeks! Good luck and I'll be looking for more posts from you.