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Dear Sir,

I've been reading through the threads in the past few days and I've seen a lot of acronymns that I can't figure out! I know some of the obvious, BP, AVR, PH (which, when I first saw it, kept think it was someone's pH level!). Is there a directory that lists all these? I've done searches on the acronymns but just find more of 'em, not the actual definition of 'em.

Thanks for any help you can provide to this newbie!

Shelia :)
Sorry, it gets confusing. :eek:

AVR = aortic valve replacement (or sometimes repair)
BP = blood pressure
MVR = mitral valve replacement
Dx = diagnosis
Hx = history (medical history)
Rx = prescription
PH = pulmonary hypertension

Those are all that I can think of right now. I'm sure others will post more.
Shelia, thanks for asking. It seems common in forums like these to use a lot of abbreviations and TLA's (three letter acronyms :D ). It's easy to lose sight that not everyone knows what they mean.

Here are a few more:

SOB shortness of breath (that one always threw me for a loop)
HR heart rate
BAV bicuspid aoritc valve
AI aortic insufficiency

Hey Ross, I like "it's never right". Maybe a front page link for our acronymns and abbreviations.

BTW, it's those FLA's that really get me. LOL :rolleyes:

Happy New Year!
PCP = Primary Care Provider

Cardio = Cardiologist

AVP = Aortic Valve Prolapse

MVP = Mitral Valve Prolapse (or most valuable player :D)


Thanks for helping out! The link was great! Just have to keep it open while I'm reading threads. :) The sob threw me too. Saw it in a title and thought.. wow, someone's ranting! ;)

you all are just fabby!!

Omg Ross!!!

Toooo funny! You should see the bruises! beat 'em up! beat 'em up! ;) :p
Hey! You forgot all the acronyms for congenital heart defects (disease) which has it's own acronym, CHD.

Then there's ACHD for adult with a congenital heart defect (there aren't as many of us as you might think...)

ASD (atrial septal defect)
VSD (ventrical septal defect)
PDA (patent ductus arterious)
TGV (or TGA) (transposition of the great vessels aka transposition of the great arteries)
CC-TGV (or CC-TGA) (congenitally corrected transposition of the great vessels)
ToF (tetralogy of fallott)
BAV (bicuspid aortic valve)
DoRV (double outlet aootric valve)
HLHS (hypoplastic left heart syndrome)
HRHS (hypoplastic right heart syndrome)
LQTS (long QT syndrome, an arhythma problem often associated with SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome)
MVP (mitral valve prolapse)
PA (pulmonary atresia)
PS (pulmonary stenosis)

Just to name a few.... =)

There are a lot of variations on many of these that are indicated by additional letters in the acronym...

It's scary when you see or hear about a kid who's been born with a few of these thing all at once and is still surviving. A lot of these conditions can come wiht secondary defects such as what happened to me where the whole developement of my upper torso and skull was affected by the same thing that screwed up my heart, most likely a genetic abnormality.

We haven't determined yet if it's something I could pass on, but it's possible.

Bloodwork would tell for sure.

A fairly complete list can be found on most CHD websites, "Google" the phrase, "congenital heart defects" and pick a link to follow.
Hey, Harpy, you did a pretty good job there........

Hey, Harpy, you did a pretty good job there........

but you forgot PC - pediatric cardiologist - and some of Katie's:

BSVC - bilateral superior vena cavae (meaning she has two superior vena cava, of course)
IIFC - interrupted inferior vena cava
AVSD - atrioventricular septal defect or CAVSD - complete atrioventricular septal defect ( AKA AV canal defect)
L-TGV - L-transposition of the great vessels (ventricles are reversed and also known as CCTGV, which you mentioned)

and you got the PS and DORV (but it is double outlet right ventricle)! And Katie really isn't that scary, although she thinks she is in her lion costume. :D

The ones that have always thrown me in the posts are SOB - I always laugh at that one 'cuz I am, of course, thinking of something else - and "Check your PMs!" I have to do a doubletake. I think, "Hmmm, I am PMSing, but sure didn't know it was coming through on my posts!" :D

Shelia, I can sooooooooooo relate. I remember my first time on a pediatric heart board and I was totally blown away. Wait until you see MAPCAS or TAPVR! Good luck on your deciphering. Hugs.