Achey arms

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Mar 11, 2010
United Kingdom
Has anyone else experienced aching in their arms either as a side effect of Sotalol or is it just part of the sternum general healing process. The aching is isolated to my forearms only and has only started in the last two weeks.
Maybe I just need to relax and ride these things out but would appreciate any advice
Hard to know from your description. Is it just a general constant ache? Does it come and go? Is there weakness and a tingly feeling in the arms? Do you have any other symptoms? I am not familiar with the med you mentioned but you could do a Google search of that med's name and find what common side effects are.

Any unusual pain at all, and I would contact your cardiologist and ask his assessment. Good luck.
Hi Andy, I looked up Sotalol ( and a lot of the symptoms are the same for Amiodarone which I took for a couple of months following my AVR. I had some serious muscle pain in my shoulder blades until I got a reduction in the Amio. The Cardio cut the dose in half and I didn't have any more pain or dizzyness. Several people suggested the pain came from getting my arms pinned back during the OHS; could have been too. I'd be checking with my Cardio about the dosing....
