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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
Everyone who has ever had muscle or joint pain, insomnia and especially back pain should find a good accupuncturist and have them work on you. My friend Lee came home today and did accupuncture on me for my insomnia. It was great. I actually fell asleep laying across my bed on my stomach, I have not been able to lay on my stomach since my surgery. He worked on the sore muscles in my chest first, I was very skeptical when he told me to lay on my stomach. He told me to just try it and I did. I slept soundly for about 45 minutes. I actually fell asleep while he was doing his little accupuncture trick on my back. When I woke up he was sitting in the living room drinking coffee and talking to my mother. He promises me that I will be able to sleep tonight.

Hi Lettita,

Well that just sounds wonderful. So happy you enjoyed and have some relief.

Would like to find out more about acupuncture. Did you bruise or bleed?

I am to start some muscular stimulation therapy for a trapesious injury. Which is the muscle the supports your neck and runs down your upper back. Has be plaguing me for three weeks now.
They had me on steroids for a short time and they worked. But I would rather deal with the discomfort than have the damaging effects of that medication. Nasty stuff. The more you take....your body becomes addicted and you can become permanently dependant upon them. No thanks.

Any info you can offer would be helpful. Thanks
I have always wanted to try accupuncture !! I got to a wonderful chiropracter and it is amazing. Cramping that time of month is hardly at all and I feel alot happier and not as grumpy.
No bleeding or brusing, the little needles are very fine almost as thin as a hair.
