Well-known member
Just have to have a moan/waffle/whatever about my accident prone daughter!
Every day she falls and hurts some part of her at school. Just today, she pulled a wobbly tooth out and made it bleed (again!), fell and cut a whacking great hole in her tights and scraped her knee badly AND cut her elbow on the wall. She IS told not to run too much due to warfarin but you can bet when you can hear screeching and running feet in the playground you'll turn round to see Chloe pelting across!
These injuries are all to add to this list from just the past week...
swollen and very bruised finger from running in playground!
cut knee - from running in playground!
2 scraped arms - yep - playground again!
AND - a big old bruise on her leg from walking into a log... in the playground!
She's lethal - and her reason for running today was excellent... 'but mummy, Ashley was saying 'FEE FI FO FUM' to me, so what could i do? I had to run!'
Every day she falls and hurts some part of her at school. Just today, she pulled a wobbly tooth out and made it bleed (again!), fell and cut a whacking great hole in her tights and scraped her knee badly AND cut her elbow on the wall. She IS told not to run too much due to warfarin but you can bet when you can hear screeching and running feet in the playground you'll turn round to see Chloe pelting across!
These injuries are all to add to this list from just the past week...
swollen and very bruised finger from running in playground!
cut knee - from running in playground!
2 scraped arms - yep - playground again!
AND - a big old bruise on her leg from walking into a log... in the playground!
She's lethal - and her reason for running today was excellent... 'but mummy, Ashley was saying 'FEE FI FO FUM' to me, so what could i do? I had to run!'