Acceptable Anti Inflammatories

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New member
Jan 14, 2012
White Pine, Tenn
Like many of you, I have advanced in age to the point of really feeling the abuse my knees and shoulders have been dealt by me through the years. Prior to my valve replacement and the need for warfarin, it was standard practice for me to daily dose OTC anti inflammatory meds.

Can anyone advise on the use of natural anti inflammatory herbs or foods ? How do others deal with swollen, painful joints, whether from injury, arthritis, rheumatism, or whatever ?

I have been very happy with my experiences regarding warfarin, so far. If I can rid myself of some of this joint swelling, I'll be riding tall.

My doctor gave me DICLOFENAC 10% DIFFUSIMAX compound cream which I can apply 3 times daily. If I did apply it three times daily it may actually have an effect but I only use it on my bum arthritic knee when it gets bad and it is not very effective then.
Starving one self to get the weight off to reduce the strain on the body is probably important. Not sure if different foods will help, also interested in others responses for natural inflammatory herbs that will not affect the INR dramatically.

Maybe there is a fountain of youth source out there that someone has been holding out on and they will share!
For me, a diet low in white starchy foods and sugar helps; it seems simple sugars act as an inflammatory agent. It seems like the more natural foods I eat the better I feel. I don't think my join pain is at your level so you may need some bigger guns than I have offered.
I'll be watching this thread. I'm not taking warfarin any more, but I am looking for ideas to reduce knee/joint pain so I can run again. I don't want to consistently take OTS NSAIDs because my digestive system doesn't like them very much. If my choices are to run but feel lousy or just walk quickly but feel better, it isn't a hard decision. If I had options, though. . .
As already mentioned, I found reducing sugar intake especially the fructose type definitely helped. I also got some custom foot orthotics made and they seem to make a major difference in foot, knee, and hip pain.
As already mentioned, I found reducing sugar intake especially the fructose type definitely helped. I also got some custom foot orthotics made and they seem to make a major difference in foot, knee, and hip pain.

Backing up Fundy's advice. High intake of simple sugars increases/enables inflammation. There are multiple studies that show that you can keep inflammation at hand for athletes by reducing bad carb intake. I'd say sub it with complex carbs and even increase your clean protein intake and good fat (I recommend nuts like almonds and macademia's) which are known to decrease inflammations in joints.
Well, in my case, adding fat is contra-indicated. Since I've inherited the family gallstones, they recommend a very low fat diet to minimize the likelihood of flare-ups. Can't win, I guess. I love nuts, too.
Thanks to all that replied. Based on the information offered, I believe I need to do some self-educating. I am not very familiar with diet control and its terms, so I need to figure out what simple sugars are and if I eat them, what complex carbs are and if I eat them, too. I do appreciate the input !!!!

I have had three knee operations over the past 30 years, having ACL's and meniscus removed from both.

Bless You all for your guidance and support to we less informed. I know that you have help make a major life altering event seem smooth and relatively easy. Thank You !

Roger Maxey
AVR Jan 2012 - Mechanical
This is an old post but I figured I'd revive it. I'm looking for info on what other courses of action others may have found to substitute for otherwise common OTC anti inflammatory meds. As noted above I already know when I'm having back or joint pain to stay the hell away from sugars but more specifically carbs. Carbs are like turbo boost for inflammation. One thing that helps me is omega3. If I have salmon for dinner, the next day I'm in much better shape. But I'm still curious if there's any OTC meds or supplements that can combat inflammation while on Coumadin? I know all the normal NSAIDs mess with INR. I've read about Celebrex, but I think that's by prescription only. Who can advise on this topic?
almost_hectic;n858319 said:
This is an old post but I figured I'd revive it. I'm looking for info on what other courses of action others may have found to substitute for otherwise common OTC anti inflammatory meds. As noted above I already know when I'm having back or joint pain to stay the hell away from sugars but more specifically carbs. Carbs are like turbo boost for inflammation. One thing that helps me is omega3. If I have salmon for dinner, the next day I'm in much better shape. But I'm still curious if there's any OTC meds or supplements that can combat inflammation while on Coumadin? I know all the normal NSAIDs mess with INR. I've read about Celebrex, but I think that's by prescription only. Who can advise on this topic?

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