About those Annoying A-Fib..

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
At least that is what I presume I am expereincing.
I had lots of v-tach before.and this is not feeling anything like that.

I had a rough night with them.. my Lub Dub sounds more like.. Beat.. nothing... Beat beat beat beat.. nothing beat beat ... and so on.. (can you feel the rhythm?)

Ok..the point of this.. should I call my doc? Remember it is a holiday weekend..and chances of actually talking to 'my' doc are slim. Should I go to the ER? my dh was convinced I should last night..
or do I just wait it out till next week and office hours and call?

What do they do for them?
I am on a beta blocker (can't take more b/c my bp is low enough)
I am taking 2 baby asprin a day

that is all I take..
any tips advice or info would be appreciated!
When in doubt, call the doctor or visit the ER. I know either will be difficult on a Holdiay weekend, but the stress of not knowing cannot help either:( - best wishes that this is just a little bumb in the road to recovery.
Sounds a little like a-fib. If you are not on blood thinners, I would go to the ER. If you wait much past 24 hours they will probably put you on a thinner before they try to convert you.

Your chance of throwing a clot go up the longer you wait.

Any type of arrhythimia should be looked at.

defiantely call or go to er....

defiantely call or go to er....

if they haven't stopeed since you first posted. I have a-fibs from time to time and my cardio says that if your heart wants to beat in a regular rhythm and a-fib is not normal for you, then you shouldn't be in a-fib for too long. My experience sounds the same as yours. Best described by my doc as your heart is a drummer drumming with absolutley no rhythm. If you do go to the er they can usually give you some meds to convert you. My expierence is go in- tell complaint - get hooked to monitor - iv port started - run blood work - give cardio vert drugs - wait -- if everything goes well enough -- go home and follow up with cardio. If too slow or just nervous - put me in overnight for observation and then go home. But not knowing any other of your history, I would definately get their advise. Good luck - let us know how things go


I called the on call cardio this morning..he suggested taking more beta blocker..so I did.. still felt lousy so I went to the ER..
and my beta blocker started to work:cool:
they saw tons of PAC's..and some PVC's..but only a few Afib and they told me to come home and take extra beta blockers to see if they go away.

I have to say I was disapointed..no cardiologist ever came in to see me:(
they hooked me up to the monitor.. ran labs and gave me an IV (nothing in it)..then I waited 5 hours.. and finally they came in and said I could go home but needed to call my cardio Tuesday and get seen.. and also get my defibrillator interagated.. Why they didn't do it there beats me???

anyway..I am glad everything is ok..but I was disapointed in the quality of care.
so sorry....

so sorry....

sorry that things went so lousy when you went in to the er. I know it can be quite annoying and dissappointing when they keep you there, basically do nothing as far as you can see and then tell you to call your cardio. I have had some things like that happen before, but usually I walk out feeling better, and that they have treated me. Hope all goes well and take care.
marky said:
I called the on call cardio this morning..he suggested taking more beta blocker..so I did.. still felt lousy so I went to the ER..
and my beta blocker started to work:cool:
they saw tons of PAC's..and some PVC's..but only a few Afib and they told me to come home and take extra beta blockers to see if they go away.

I have to say I was disapointed..no cardiologist ever came in to see me:(
they hooked me up to the monitor.. ran labs and gave me an IV (nothing in it)..then I waited 5 hours.. and finally they came in and said I could go home but needed to call my cardio Tuesday and get seen.. and also get my defibrillator interagated.. Why they didn't do it there beats me???

anyway..I am glad everything is ok..but I was disapointed in the quality of care.

Just curious, what's the difference between A=Fibs, PACs and PVCs? :confused:
Rush20 said:
Just curious, what's the difference between A=Fibs, PACs and PVCs? :confused:

from GeeBee, Gina ...... A-fib is dangerous because it can cause blood clots.

This from my recent thread on very similar problem.... Post Surgery Thread titled .. Might have A-fib.....event monitor this weekend

Sorry, don't know how to do the groovy link thing....

Marky -- where were you when I needed you? Couldn't accurately describe my feelings, but YOU DID!! Sorry you had such a bad time in ER. At least you went, found out that it is serious enough to have been seen and that you need to call the cardio. PLEASE let us know what he says on Tuesday. My arrythmias turned out to be Atrial Tachycardia and my cardio said they must have been the result of some minor water retention and just surgery trauma. I got put on Lasix, a diuretic. Mine, too, calmed down as soon as I got to the doctor's office! Typical!!

I think you were very wise to go to ER, so don't give it another thought. Good job.

:) Marguerite
Rush20 said:
Just curious, what's the difference between A=Fibs, PACs and PVCs? :confused:

I don't claim to be an expert or anything, but I do have PAC's and prone to a-fibs. To my knowledge and as explained by my cardio -- When the pacemaker of the heart fires - it sends the impulse to beat. PAC's, if you relate them to a classroom is like the teacher is the pacemaker, but those annoying children who like to take control and try to be the teacher - the teacher sets the beat, but those pac's are the children trying to be the teacher and sending out extra impulses to beat. If that makes any sense??? As for a-fibs - just an irregular irregular heartbeat, like a drummer with no rhythm. My a-fibs, when I'm on a monitor will reflect my heart rate bouncing around anywhere from the 70's to 140's or sometimes higher. As for pvc's don't know much about those. I hope I've helped and not made you any more confused.