About Jessica

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He all...

I just read on the WebMD heart board that Jessica was taken to the ER last night and was sent home, but her regular doc put her back in the hospital. She has a high electrolyte count.

Let's all say a prayer for our Jess and hopes that she recovers soon.

Take care,


Thanks so much for your note about Jessica. I have had her on my mind for a while, and wondered about her. I believe her surgery is tomorrow, but I couldnt find a thread here that is dated anything past 8/20/01. I thought she would be signing on and all. Anyway, she will be in my prayers.
Zazzy, please let us know if you hear anything. She is in my prayers every time I think of her, which is often. I hope and pray she is ok. She said she was carrying a pager for notification when a heart is available. Hope this is what that's about. Thank you Zazzy.
Thanks for your concern, Zazz!

Thanks for your concern, Zazz!

It´s a total drag! I posted here, 30 minutes later we were on our way to the hospital!
My body is unable to maintain the electrolytical balance properly. Potassium is the biggest problem and the shortage has had my muscles cramping for days until it grew intolerable last night. Under control now but I think I´m to stay in the hospital for while.

Few things are to be taken for granted in this life. That´s for sure...

Thanks everyone,



Well, for what its worth, we are all plugging for you. I think most of the folks here know the power of prayer. Hang in there, Chicky. We are with you.

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