? about echo results

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Hey guys. Its been awhile since I've asked a question BUT, I had an echo last month and I got a copy of the report. What do you make of it?
la isdilated 4.4cm
so far as the St Judes valve, it indicates: there is redundant chordal structures noted probably secondary to mv replacement.
doppler reveals peak mitral gradient of 21 and mean of 9. peak rv pressure of 38 mmHg consistent with mild pulmonary hypertension. There is mild pulmonic insuffiecency. My cardio called me at home the day I had the echo and told me my Ef was 50 which has greatly approved and he said there were "chords" flapping in the wind. He said it was probably from the surgery and not be concerened right now. I have NEVER been told I have mild pulmonary hypertension. I know this was a concern when I was diagnosed with valve problems post Redux medication. Should I be concerened about (1) PH or (2) chords flapping around? Am I just paranoid. I have been thru so many problems since my first surgery. Please help friends.

Yours in heart, Alicia
Alicia -

Alicia -

What did your doctors say about the PH? It is one of my fears - as I was told last echo that my right heart was borderline enlarged. Now I have found out I have mild sleep apnea which can cause PH. Anyway, I was told I don't have PH, but I am due to have an echo again soon. I wonder why a person would get PH after their surgery.

Put it all in perspective and try to maintain calm. I know exactly how scared you are probably feeling. Secondary PH is very treatable (from what I have read) and is not the same as primary PH.

Your EF is fantastic. I hope you get some answers.

Thoughts and prayers....

Christina L
Hi Alicia,
Your mitral gradients are still pretty substantial. A peak of 19 and a mean of 9 seem a little high to me for being post-surgery. I wonder if your chordae that are "flapping in the wind" are causing you to have a functional mitral stenosis. Mitral stenosis is often accompanied by pulmonary hypertension. RVSP of 38 is still pretty minimal so hopefully it won't become a problem for you. Your mitral gradients however might lead to a gradual enlargement of your left atrium and then to atrial fib. I think it is something that does need to be followed. You might ask your doc about the things I mentioned. I think if pulmonary hypertension was to be from the Redux it would have already shown up. I think this is probably related to your mitral valve.

I hope you are feeling well and it is nice to see you here on the boards.
Alicia, is the cardiologist you see one that specializes in adults with CHD? If not maybe you could get a 2nd op from one, Lyn
Hello all. I am so confused. My cardiologist (who I adore and have been a patient since 2000) has NEVER said anything to me about the pulmonary hypertension. That really concerns me. I am due to see him again in December and you can bet your boots we will talk about it. He said that im running on 7 cylinders instead of the usual 8 cylinder.

Beverly, thanks for your info. I will be talking to him about the results of that echo. I have had a-fib a few times since my last surgery. It seems to be under control though.

Sorry, I meant to post to Betty (not Beverly). Its been awhile my NC neighbor. You know it will be 5 years on Oct 15th that I was so sick and diagnosed with cardiomyopathy,MV regurg severe again 6 months after my MV repair. I was so close to death that my cardio told me that w/o a transplant that I would probably have 5 years to live. Im doing better and fortuntely have not needed a transplant. I've came very close but Im too stubborn to leave this earth right now. Im so happy to be alive!! Im still confused about my prognosis. Why would my #s be so high post MV replacement? What effect will that have? What effects will I get from the PHT? So many questions that only God has the answers. Love to all...

That's fine, Alicia. I have a sister names Beverly and people often have confused the two of us. You have come a long way in those 5 years. It has been a bit of a roller-coaster ride at times for you.

I don't know why your gradients are still high. My gradients are better since surgery and my left atrium has decreased in size as a result. Do ask your doctor and I'll be real interested in what he says. By the way, are you still hanging in there with the weight loss program?
Hello Betty, Its always good to read your posts. I will talk to my cardiologist about those high#s....My weight loss program has been going slow. I have been very bad. I need to get better on the treadmill. I have gained 8 pounds and I know what I need to do but Im procrastinating. How has your heart problems been?


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