Ablation on Sept. 16!

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
(Ross, move this if you need to since I wasn't sure where this belongs)

Hi, all--

I just got my ablation date: September 16. Three days after my birthday, and after the AHA Heart Walk. I'm glad to be getting it over with, but I'm also a little nervous. I'll be missing three days of work, which is never fun at the beginning of the school year. This will be my third EP study and shot at an ablation. Ever since my episode that led to this procedure, my heart has been acting a little funky. (When doesn't it?--but more than usual). I really hope the EP docs can find something to zap and I can be done with it.

I had a horrible run of PVCs the other day that just made me really uncomfortable. I had to lie down, and my heart was just flopping like a fish. And my cardio tells me to "deal with it." :mad:

Despite this, I am looking forward to the Heart Walk. I'm responsible for overseeing the Survivor Cafe and assisting in the survivor ceremony. It'll be a fun day!

Anyway, I just wanted to share this all with you. I know a few of you here have had multiple ablations, so perhaps you can share your experiences with me.

Debi, My ablation will be 5 days before yours. I have to say I'm not really looking forward to it. I'm hopeful that it works, but not very optimistic this time. You've been through this before, so you know what to expect. I hope yours is successful and you are able to get rid of these pesky things.

It kills me when the cardio's tell us we just need to learn to live with it. I can guarantee you if they had them like we do, they would be beating the door down trying to get someone to fix them.

I'll be thinking of you and I wish you the best.

I had my ablation in 2008 (June). I have not had a problem since. I had many episodes of SVT ever since I can remember. The EP found the problem and zapped it! God willing, no problems since. I am really hoping they can help you this time. You have had your share. I will be hoping and praying they find the problem and help you.
Thanks for the update. Let's hope that your EP catches that flopping fish and that your symptoms go away and a nice regular sinus rhythm takes its proper place. Have fun on the AHA walk and know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Take care,

I will be thinking of you & praying that your upcoming ablation is a complete success! Will be looking forward to hearing the good results! :)

P.S. When I went to Houston to confer w/my dr. in May, my Echo report showed A-fib action but I determined that it was probably due to the anxiety I felt at the time. Luckily it hasn't returned! :)
Wishing you a successful ablation that hopefully takes care of it! You are so brave to teach and participate in the AHA walk while dealing with this. All the best
Debi, I hope all goes well for you....and you too, Kim. I'm glad your ablations are so close to each other. It is always nice to go through things with someone else.