I'm posting for my dad. His surgery was a year ago Jan. 31st... crazy how fast the time goes. He was 48 at the time, aortic valve replaced, and ascending aortic arch replaced. Congenitally bicuspid valve and aneurysm formation. Before surgery he worked out everyday and was in very good shape, very asymptomatic, but tests showed he needed surgery done ASAP.
In his year out he's had a couple bumps... in the weeks after surgery had a pleural effusion drained (they collapsed the lung to do the surgery so this was not something extremely surprising). He would randomly get night sweats since surgery, then around Christmas (11 months out) he was getting them more frequently with fevers around 102. He is a very anti-doc sort of person (like many young men are unfortunately). He likes to see if it will just go away or he can work it out of him. During workouts he would get a slight pain behind his sternum when his HR got to around 120. He finally went to his cardiologist (whom I myself do not like as he has been wrong on numerous occasions). The Echo showed a moderate pericarditis and he was sent home with ibuprofen. This wasn't doing anything so he went to his family practitioner who gave him an antibiotic and the sweats went away and the pericarditis slowly corrected itself.
The question I and he have... has anyone else experienced this slight pain in the chest when working out this far out of surgery? He feels fine all day, but when working out (running/elipticals) he gets the pain still around heart rate 120... now sometimes even lower ~100. One may think it's a blockage in a coronary artery, but his coronaries were shown to be crystal clear (usually not the case in someone almost 50). Anyone else experience this and figure out why??????
In his year out he's had a couple bumps... in the weeks after surgery had a pleural effusion drained (they collapsed the lung to do the surgery so this was not something extremely surprising). He would randomly get night sweats since surgery, then around Christmas (11 months out) he was getting them more frequently with fevers around 102. He is a very anti-doc sort of person (like many young men are unfortunately). He likes to see if it will just go away or he can work it out of him. During workouts he would get a slight pain behind his sternum when his HR got to around 120. He finally went to his cardiologist (whom I myself do not like as he has been wrong on numerous occasions). The Echo showed a moderate pericarditis and he was sent home with ibuprofen. This wasn't doing anything so he went to his family practitioner who gave him an antibiotic and the sweats went away and the pericarditis slowly corrected itself.
The question I and he have... has anyone else experienced this slight pain in the chest when working out this far out of surgery? He feels fine all day, but when working out (running/elipticals) he gets the pain still around heart rate 120... now sometimes even lower ~100. One may think it's a blockage in a coronary artery, but his coronaries were shown to be crystal clear (usually not the case in someone almost 50). Anyone else experience this and figure out why??????