A warning for all my friends

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Acid reflux,please do not ignore it..due to claudication pain,both before and after all my surgeries I would take aleves,aspirin,tylenol ..anything to just ease the pain a bit.
Well they caused ar,which is now Barrettes Syndrome(pre-cancerous cells in my throat),they discovered this when I was checked for internal bleeding(Iam very anemic)...
They say I must be tested now every 6 mnths for full blown cancer,so please dont ignore the acid reflux ,ok?
There isnt a spot to post this as its not heart related, but if any have chronic pain as I do its important..just dont want anyone to go thru it,swallowing is painful, and I never eat alone anymore , as its too easy to choke,its not fun to eat anymore lol...please be aware,love the pup:eek:
Your warning is well taken.
Is there anything they can do to treat the Barrette's?
I take acid reducer's now,no fix for the cells,and can no longer take aleves etc..so when I hurt it can be bad..
once the cells are damaged thats it..you know it would happen to me,lol.:eek:
I have it too Yaps.....

I have it too Yaps.....

I am Taking Nexium and Prilosec for it. I went to my ear nose and throat doctor due to ear issues and told him about my swallowing issues and as it turns out, my whole throat was swollen from acid reflux. It has slowly subsided, but I know what you mean about the potential for choking as it is EXTREMELY HARD for me to swallow even one pill. I hope this doesn't progress, but gets better for you. ((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))) from Harrybaby:eek: :D :eek:
I'm sorry to read this Yaps. I'm familiar with Barrett's. Take care.
I am sorry to read this, also, Yaps. Wishing you better days.

I too had the throat swallowing issue, but to a much lesser degree. I went on Rx strength Nexium for the 6 weeks prescribed, checked in, had an upper endoscopy and nothing (gratefully) was found. So because of the new studies on these drugs tied to heart issues and my heart history, they said I could only use the over the counter strength from then on, as needed. I'm not sure what has become of those studies. My husband's remark was that it's possibly not the drug causing a problem so much as masking a dangerous problem (you know how they send people home saying it's indigestion when maybe it really was heart related). My heart condition didn't even suggest heart attack, so I honestly don't know what their beef was, but I no longer need anything since I've made some lifestyle changes.

WHAT WORKED FOR ME was to completely change my diet. I used to drink gallons of orange juice, liquor every weekend night and chocolates -- particularly chocolate mints. Turns out those 3 are some of the worst offenders! All citrusy products are off limits for those with GERD (gastro-esophogeal reflux disease). Tomato sauces and even fresh tomatos are also no-no's. All of the above mentioned things are the worse offenders. Luckily for me, by changing my choices, I was able to reduce my discomfort. There is alot of information and there are food choice lists pretty much anywhere you might google GERD. A doctor should also supply you with a list.

I understand that your condition is probably no longer reversible. BUt for those reading who may just be experiencing reflux in it's early stages, I thought I'd mention my experience.

I'm sorry that your pain is not manageable. Can't you try arthritis strength Tylenol? I used it for awhile after surgery and it seemed to have that extra kick of help needed.

Best wishes to you.
