A very long whine.........NHR!

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Well-known member
May 18, 2004
Arlington, Tx.
Okay???..whoever has been performing voodoo on my effigy, please quit!!!!!!!!

My Reader?s Digest version of my last interesting week:

Chapter one (Friday): Bon Voyage

Or ?Hasta La Vista, Baby!? or ?Don?t Let the Door Hit Ya?..? as I had to work graduation commencement for our little darlings from KEYS.

Chapter Two (Saturday): Off to the Lake

We decide to spend some good quality family time together before Don has to leave for Fort Hood for 3 weeks, so we go to my mom?s lake house in East Texas.

Chapter Three (Saturday PM): Flea Infestation, Part I.

Within minutes after completely unloading the car, we discover that the house is completely infested with fleas??..us, too???.dunno where they came from as mom has no pets, but they are there all the same. Ironically, Katie?s latest favorite saying from Looney Tunes ends in ?You flea-bitten varmint, you!?????sadly, we were all flea-bitten varmints.

Chapter Four (Saturday PM +): Kill Bill (Flea version) or We Nuke the Fleas.

While I kept the kids outside dodging the mosquitoes and Katie from pirouetting off the end of the pier, Don is inside nuking the fleas.

Chapter Five (Saturday PM++): The Discovery of B.O.???..

After airing out the house, we allowed the kids in and attempted to feed them. I know my culinary skills leave a lot to be desired, but I came to the slow realization that the smell emanating from the kitchen was not from my cuisine, but from me! I reached up to the air conditioning vent, only to find that it was emitting hot, sultry air?????while airing out the house from the fumigation, we had shot the last little bit of Freon from the air conditioner???.oh, it was a ?hot time in the old town tonight!? Don began consuming vast quantities of beer at this point????

Chapter Six (Sunday AM): Yes! There is a God!

We called one of the two air conditioning repairmen in Quitman, TX, to come out and look at the air conditioner. Fat chance, you say! The guy had a heart ? only in a small town would you be able to get someone out on Memorial Day weekend. So, he agreed to show up after church and lunch??..ah! Everyone?s spirits lifted. Don actually started getting the boat ready to put into the water. ?Course the battery was dead since it had been Labor Day since we had last launched it, so we hooked up the battery charger??.wished I could have charged my own batteries ???.sigh!

Chapter Seven (Sunday PM): God Has Another Good Laugh at My Expense!

The repairman showed up???.ten minutes too late. Ten minutes earlier, the electricity had gone out???.not just ours, but the entire neighborhood???not much the repairman can do without electricity??..so he leaves. Needless to say, the boat battery didn't get charged either. We decided to throw in the towel and head home. By the time we repacked everything, we got home at ten o?clock PM. P.S. The kicker here is that the only person who caught a fish all weekend was Katie???.she had lost all patience for fishing and just left her line in the water????lo and behold! She caught a little sun perch.

Chapter Eight (Monday): Fair Day

Cable is in; cable is out; cable is in; cable is out, etc??.dunno why. It just is. It has been down far more than up as of late. That?s okay. We have a good day barbequing at home the steaks we were supposed to have at the lake and doing yardwork??..not quite the same as skiing and fishing, but at least we had cool air.

Chapter Nine (Tuesday): Poopoo Hits the Fan!

I go to school to finish up; mom watches the kids; Don goes to work. Don gets home about 8:30 PM, and then the storms hit about 9:10. A tornado is sighted in south Arlington (we are central), so in the closet Katie, Trip, and I go. Don sadistically has insisted that we get in there (and who are we kidding here? In a middle class track home, there is NO safe place from a tornado ? if Don only knew how many times I have just blown it off and said whatever will be, will be!), so there we are singing songs and telling family stories ???..until I notice that my stories began to have expletives whenever Don?s name gets mentioned. Yes, the wind is wailing and the rain is pelting, but my knees have given out, the kids are thirsty, and I am getting claustrophobic. Can we say "sardines"? In the meantime, the lights have gone out, and all hell is breaking loose outside. Things finally calm down a bit, so we go to bed around midnight with no air conditioning or electricity.

Chapter Ten (Wednesday): Hotter than Hades!

Well, the electricity remained out......fortunately, the high was only 92 for the day! ugh! Poor Don had to leave for Fort Hood ? his last night in the air conditioning did not come to fruition. Piddled around most of the day, thinking the power would come on any minute????.Not! I do now have a lovely tape recording of me explaining to Katie over and over why there is no electricity, and why there is no power, and why it is so hot, and why there is no TV, and etc., etc., etc.
I went and got some dry ice to put in the fridge and freezer to try and salvage their contents - $40 bucks worth. We finally decided to go out to eat with my mom and dad. Storms were due to hit again, so we chose to go spend the night with my parents. Stopped by the house first, and the Brinks alarm keypad is emitting an ?EEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHH!? quite audibly, indicating a low battery warning. Can?t get it to stop for the life of me???..well, that clinched it. I sure the hell wasn?t going to listen to that all night, so we packed up the toothbrushes and jammies and we were off to mom?s. I called Brinks from Mom?s just to make sure that, if the electricity came on, it wasn?t going to sound off the alarm. The young man on the phone was very pleasant. We talked about the storms, etc., and he assured me that the alarm would pick right back up where it left off ? that if it wasn?t set, then it wouldn?t set, and that it would NOT go off?????..HA!!!!!! You say!

Chapter Eleven: Terrorist Threat Made Against Alarm Company!

I had just gotten the kids bedded down ? okay and me too ? all crammed into a double bed????.Katie was asleep and Trip was close???.when the frickin? phone rings at midnight. Guess who? No other than my friendly, if not totally truthful, alarm company Brinks. The alarm is going off at my house and the police have been dispatched. ????.oh, great! I say????.I will spare you the not so nice discourse that took place between the Brinks rep and myself. Soooooooooo?????at midnight fifteen, I headed out through the pouring rain by myself to turn off the damn alarm. I get to the house ? the good news is that obviously the power has come back on ? 27 hours later, but it is on. The lights are blaring, ceiling fans going, and the air too. I turn off the damn alarm and most of the lights. ?Course as I drive back through the blinding rain to mom?s, I realize that I am now wide awake??????so I packed the kids up ????..I know, I know, don?t say it, and headed back to the house.

Chapter Twelve (Thursday): Hey, this is how I had it growing up???.

Electricity is on, but still no cable, so no TV and no internet????.de ja vu! I repeatedly played my tape recording for Katie ?????.

Chapter Thirteen (Friday Pm): Hey, so this is how cable internet is supposed to work!

The cable guy shows up ? spent most of the day waiting on him ? can we say ?cable guy?? Hey, he fixed it! The kids have cable TV and I have the internet ? I can?t believe how fast it is?????so this is what we have been paying for all along and haven?t been getting??????On another note, earlier tonight Katie was pacing the floor back and forth with her hands behind her back. Every now and then she would pause in her pacing and put one finger up beside her mouth and look inquisitive. I asked her what she was doing, and she said that she was "thinking!" I asked her what she was thinking about. She responded, "Me trying to figger out where the movie box is." The video slip cover to one of her favorite movies has simply disappeared into thin air. After much pacing and "thinking," Katie drew a conclusion. Someone has broken into our house and stolen the movie box cover! heehee I tried to explain to her the holes in her theory, but she won't budge. Nope! Someone has broken into our home and just taken a video slipcover. :) Guess I will have to call the police tomorrow and report it. Heehee!

Chapter Fourteen (Saturday): Trying to get back to ?normal?!

As usual, I am soooooooooooo far behind???.will try and catch up????famous last words???..haven?t been able to e-mail Dr. Bove obviously, so I don?t know our gameplan yet for Katie???..maybe I am not supposed to and this was the true reason for this ?somewhat? trying week??????dunno????l will try and catch up soon. Many hugs. Ps. I refuse to go back and edit this so take it for what it is..........wild ramblings in the middle of the night from a sanity challenged mother ????.:) heehee!

Take care and God bless.............
and I thought rain water flowing onto my freshly cleaned screened porch, bringing with it DIRT, was bad - but oh my!

Will someone come along and say - in years ahead, you will look back and laugh? I wouldn't laugh; it would go to my grave as one of those things we need to fogeddabout.

Sorry about the box. Tell Katie we are sorry.
Thanks, youse guys!

Thanks, youse guys!

Thanks for the sympathy, y'all, and I applaud you and thank you for actually reading all of that. I didn't really figure anyone would, but it was very therapeutic writing it all down. Reading back over, I realize I made a few cut and paste errors, but it also made me realize what a @$#*! week it has really been. 'Course I bragged too soon on the cable as it has been out again most of the day..........sigh! Guess I really am a jinx! :eek: And,hey, I think National Lampoon has stolen some very memorable moments from my life - I will spare y'all, though, the stories about the RV trip to Illinois over Christmas break (fondly remembered as "Riding the Jackhammer to Hell and Back" when the propane went out in 20 degree temps and a tire blew out) and the one about our beach vacation with Hurricane Claudette last year.....................sigh!!!!

Crawling back into my hole...........................

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