Gosh, thank y'all!!!
Gosh, thank y'all!!!
geebee said:
Dedicated to all who have given their lives in the hope that the world will one day live in peace.
Whelp, didn't give up my life............just twenty years and four months of it!

...........and a few of my son's birthdays.........and his first word...........and a few other milestones that I should have been there for.

........at least I'm still here to gripe about it! Don has me topped, anyway, with 28 years and missing the first two years of his oldest daughter's life when he was stationed in Korea..........and
Katie's birth, which
I will never let him forget! (yes! He was at Fort Wolters clearing an M-16 range - got there thirty minutes
after she was born! Hey, at least
I didn't miss her birth...........heehee!) a year of Katie's life when he was deployed after 9-11 to White Sands for Homeland Security. ............at least we were surgery free that year; it was between Katie's second and third heart surgeries. (I'd have been gone, too, but my brigade commander was a sweetheart and let me retire before the stop-loss was implemented.)...........and it could be worse. If we were still in, we would both be in Iraq as that is where our brigade is right now.............please keep them in your prayers as we have many dear friends in harm's way! But,
somebody's got to do it! And it is so nice to be appreciated.
Anyway, thank you both so much, Nancy and Gina. And, Gina, your poem is really beautiful. Many hugs. J.