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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2006
Perth, West Australia.
Well It's Saturday here and i'm due to be admitted on Sunday at 2pm for a Bentalls with DHCA on Monday.

I'm calm, i'm happy, i'm rested and most of this can be attributed to this site and the people on it.

I have over the past two months gone from crying in the car and writing goodbye letters to the kids to being totally content with the procedure i'm about to have and looking forward to my life afterwards and the added energy i may have.

This site gave me the confidence to ask the right questions, to search for a second surgeon and to assess the differences between the procedures my two surgeons suggested with some form of an educated mind rather than to be transfixed by the smokescreen that often decends when you are sat infront of a surgeon.

I'd like to simply say thankyou to Hank for setting this thing up and also thankyou to everyone who spends the time to post even after they have had their surgery and have a life to get on with.

I think everyone in our situation should be pointed towards this site as a portal of information to calm the nerves and relax the brain.

I'm expecting to be back home by Saturday 26th November (my birthday) which will be six days although it could be Monday if i'm a little slow on the recovery front, on of those roll a dice things i guess.

One question, do we get to reduce our age after we have had such a major overhaul on the surgeons table? a bit like replacing the engine on a car and getting the chance to roll the odometer back a few thousand clicks....i fancy being 26 again, 36 just sounds too dam old (although too dam young for heart surgery)...probably one i should ask the cardio eh ? :D

See you all on the other side of the hill with a scar, a tick tock and a nervous twitch from the lack of caffine and beer.....
Wishing you the best

Wishing you the best

Wishing you a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Hope you have someone able to let us know how you are doing and we look forward to hearing that it was a "boring" surgery! Godspeed.
I am so glad that you found us. It sounds like you are truly ready and I congratulate you on your success with that. Now it's time to enjoy the next 2 days with your family and friends and do your best to stay relaxed and happy.

Best of luck to you. I hope we will hear of your brilliant progress soon after the event.

Godspeed! Marguerite
You bet you get to be younger. Ofcourse at your age, I wouldn't complain. Best of luck on your surgery. I'm glad you are looking forward to having this behind you. I hope you have a smooth ride and are home for your birthday. God bless you. :)
Your posts are so reflective and insightful and generally a pleasure to read. I hope all goes beautifully and we have you back amongst us in no time.

Wishing you all the best.
Good luck with surgery and recovery. If you are lucky you will be out in less than 6 days. If not for afib I would have been out on the 4th day. The first couple weeks will be a bit of a chore, but after that it gets better and better.
Just remember to walk, oh and a word of caution. If there is a nurse that likes to yell remember when walking in the hospital to stand up straight! One nurse yelled at me for not doing it lol.
Just wanted to...............

Just wanted to...............

send good wishes, hugs, and prayers. We will see you on the other side. Hugs. J.
Sounds like you have taken the pre-op path that many of us have taken.. and then the calm comes over us at the end..and we know we are almost there.

Wishing you the best..:)
and looking forward to recovery posts!
Good luck - I'm looking forward to reading you post-op report - your posts always bring me a smile!