Haven't sent her out into the workforce yet.........
Haven't sent her out into the workforce yet.........
Seeing as she is only three, I haven't pushed her out and sent her "back" to work yet.......we're still working on getting that blasted alphabet down......heehee! Sorry for being a little silly here, but on your other note, Katie, too, bruises incredibly easy - not coumadin, but aspirin, and takes forever to heal.........when she has an incredibly bad set of bruises -like she does now for going splat! in the driveway while playing a game of "Try and Escape Mommy" - I, too, tend to dress her in shirts that show her scar whenever we go out in public. It tends to head off a lot of questions and "you evil mother" glares, and I really don't have time to deal with CPS at my door. 'Course at Katie's age, most people don't really think in terms of open heart surgery - they probably think that I managed to allow Katie to impale herself on some sharp object. Sorry not of much help here - just full of empathy. Sure you will get some "real" answers soon. Take care..........