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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2008
Palm Beach County Florida
If you're a woman please depart.

I had surgery on August 13th 2008. Yesterday was the first time since I was intimate with the wife. The plumbing is still working as it should, but my upper chest is sore now. The pain comes and goes. It wasn't before yesterday morning.

Did you have the same experience? Any suggestions(besides no nookie with the wife. To be honest, it will be a while before next time) as to avoid straining myself again?

My guess is either Muscle Pain or Sternum Pain.

Stretches and Massage help with Muscle Pain.

Sternum 'soreness' 'should' go away, eventually, but it can take some time, more than we would like.

You may want to discuss this with your Doctor(s), including (or especially) your surgeon.

Ask if there are any (upper body) exercises they would recommend.

I expect others will also be interested in what you learn.

'AL Capshaw'
okay, just pretend I'm a guy. ;)
Since you are 5 months post op and I'm assuming that the sternum should be healed properly by now, then maybe your chest soreness is indeed from strained muscles. Many people have reported that if the OHS patient is lying on their back or side then lovemaking is not straining the chest. The missionary position may put too much pressure on the still weak chest muscles.
Don't give up, I'm sure there is a position that will not strain you so much.
My guess is muscle strain. I further am guessing you did not have any shortness of breath? I am the same age you are. Enjoy!
It is a nervous time! I was intimate with Erica just 2 1/2 weeks post-surgery. Not to sound like a cheap porno, but having her sit on top and not put any pressure on the chest, at all, was very comfortable. At 6 weeks post-surgery, today, this is how it still happens, NO Pressure on the chest.
If it is uncomfortable, be patient....we have the rest of our healthy lives!
Best of luck,
Our first time was about two weeks post surgery - her on top of course. I had more fun than her. I am now 8 weeks out and we are back to the full ball game
My guess is muscles. From my last x ray (9 weeks out) my sternum was in good shape. I can feel your pain on this front though. My wife gave birth 6 weeks before my surgery so the wait was crazy. I found the edge of the bed and me standing worked good. My bed sits fairly high. Maybe try a heating pad or a hot compress on your chest afterward.
You waited two and a half weeks? You're a patient man. I needed to affirm life almost as soon as we had some privacy. Five months is beyond imagination...

Unless you have a specific muscle issue, you should be moving and stretching (gently) from as early after the operation as you can. You begin with very slow movement, and by the time your sternum has healed, you should be feeling almost normal. At five months, I pulled a 17' boat filled with clams and gear across more than 100' of tidal flat mud to get it afloat and returned before the rental ran out. Never clam the shallows in a neap tide, unless you keep one eye on the boat.

If your heart is healed and producing a fairly normal beat according to your doctor, and you have no other serious heart or health problems, you need to stop thinking of yourself as an invalid. As far as waiting that long again, unless that's your normal marital pattern, there's no benefit to it for your heart. Use it or lose it...

Best wishes,