A Prayer request for my Brother.

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Could I please ask you to remember my brother in your prayers. He is almost 56 and had a heart attack last wednesday. As a family we are all a bit shell shocked, which is why I haven't said anything before now. I know it sounds weird but somehow putting this in writing makes it all more real and I didn't want to have to admit it had happened! The dr's say there has been some damage to the heart. Apparently he woke up in the early morning with, as he says, an elephant on his chest. He lives alone, so instead of calling anyone he rubbed poitin (100% alcohol) on his chest and took a gulp of it for good measure ( he is actually a non-drinker, he keeps this for medicinal purposes). Pain eventually eased so he drove himself to the GP, who quickly called an ambulance and off he went to hospital. He is still there. Is only allowed to sit up in bed or the chair next to it. No walking or standing. They are talking about doing an angiogram on Tuesday....after that we will know the extent of blockages etc.

Apparently one of the dr's told him he did the right thing with the poitin. The alcohol helps thin the blood and the heat from rubbing it in may also have helped! That's his story and he's sticking to it :rolleyes:

I will update you when he has had the angiogram. Thank You.

You certainly have my prayers for your brother and your family. I am going through a really traumatic time with my brother-in-law (brain aneurysm/surgery last Tuesday/Wednesday) so I understand your grief.

I hope all turns out okay. It is so important to be grateful that they made it this far so keep the faith.
He's so young too. I will be thinking of you both and praying for a good outcome.
Maureen, what a scary thing to happen. Your brother and your family will be in my prayers. Let's pray for a complete recovery.
Maureen, he's in my thoughts and prayers. I had one of those and took 4 (THAT'S FOUR) of the wee pills for under the tongue before I even thought about calling my dr's office! DUH! Guess we just don't want to accept what it might be.

He'll be very weak and feel ill for some time - possibly have bypasses. Give him my sincere sympathy.

Maureen, keep us posted?

I am sorry to hear of your brother's heart attack. He will be in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.
Maureen, you have my prayers too!!!

Maureen, you have my prayers too!!!

I have a very close friend that just had 1 massive and 2 smaller ones within 2 months of each other and I know how scary that this can be for him and for his family...You and yours are in my prayers!! Harrybaby:D :D :D
So sorry to hear about your brother, Maureen and sending you all our best wishes.
Thank you

Thank you

Thank you all for your kind words. I have just come from the hospital and basically there's no change (a good thing, I think). Still on bed/chair rest. They are now saying the angio may be tomorrow (tues) or Thursday. He has to be sent to Dublin (our capital city) as they don't do them here even though our hospital is a large teaching hospital !!

He had been wearing a portable monitor that sends signals to the nurses station and apparently it kept giving out weird readings. They changed the batteries several times and then concluded that he had "blown up" the monitor as he has too much electricity in his body :confused: Never heard of that before, but at least he finds it funny!

I think the thing that saddens me most is seeing "fear" in his eyes. You would have to know my brother to appreciate that nothing scares him, he's always been in control. He's 15 years older than me and I've never seen him like this. Our Father died of a massive heart attack aged 54 (his first and only attack) but I am praying that this "warning" will mean he can get the help he needs and hopefully make a full recovery.

I will update when I have more news.

BTW Karlynn, my brother's name is Jim.
Marueen, your brother is still in my prayers. It's great that you are there for him. Keep the faith and remember that God is in control.
Still remembering your brother, Maureen.

And don't forget that a good helping of fear contributes to behaving ourselves after a scary episode like your brother's had. It's a life changing event, and what doesn't kill us . . .

Best of luck to him and your family!

Hope all is going well. Still praying for your brother and family.