Could I please ask you to remember my brother in your prayers. He is almost 56 and had a heart attack last wednesday. As a family we are all a bit shell shocked, which is why I haven't said anything before now. I know it sounds weird but somehow putting this in writing makes it all more real and I didn't want to have to admit it had happened! The dr's say there has been some damage to the heart. Apparently he woke up in the early morning with, as he says, an elephant on his chest. He lives alone, so instead of calling anyone he rubbed poitin (100% alcohol) on his chest and took a gulp of it for good measure ( he is actually a non-drinker, he keeps this for medicinal purposes). Pain eventually eased so he drove himself to the GP, who quickly called an ambulance and off he went to hospital. He is still there. Is only allowed to sit up in bed or the chair next to it. No walking or standing. They are talking about doing an angiogram on Tuesday....after that we will know the extent of blockages etc.
Apparently one of the dr's told him he did the right thing with the poitin. The alcohol helps thin the blood and the heat from rubbing it in may also have helped! That's his story and he's sticking to it
I will update you when he has had the angiogram. Thank You.
Apparently one of the dr's told him he did the right thing with the poitin. The alcohol helps thin the blood and the heat from rubbing it in may also have helped! That's his story and he's sticking to it
I will update you when he has had the angiogram. Thank You.